The Mercury News Weekend

Growing, not slowing population the scourge


There is no scenario in which a “Slow population growth will hurt state’s future” (Page A7, Jan. 5) or where a slowing population would be considered a burden anywhere.

A study from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel found that as of 2020, “the mass of human-made materials such as concrete, asphalt, metal and plastic now outweigh the combined biomass of every living plant and animal on Earth. Since 1900, human-made mass has doubled approximat­ely every 20 years, to the point where plastic alone outweighs all animals on land and in the ocean.”

Given that human population has increased from almost 2 billion to nearly 8 billion people in 100 years and that we have now exterminat­ed over 68% of the wildlife of the world via overconsum­ption, pollution and destructio­n of the forests and oceans it is inconceiva­ble that we would worry about any human population that is decreasing.

What’s hurting the future is overpopula­tion.

— Tina Peak, Palo Alto

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