The Mercury News

Agency says Ariel Winter’s mom not fit to keep custody


Ariel Winter’s mother, Chrystal Workman, should lose custody of the 14- year- old “Modern Family” actress, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

Sounds like someone just pulled ahead of Octomom in the SoCal Mom of the Year race.

According to TMZ, the department on Tuesday issued a blistering report against Workman, saying the judge should strip her of custody and award a permanent guardiansh­ip to Ariel’s older sister, Shanelle Gray, who has had temporary custody since early October.

The DCFS report said Workman had committed emotional abuse against her 14- year- old daughter. As for a claim of physical abuse, DCFS said the evidence is “inconclusi­ve.”

DCFS officials said the situation is so serious the department planned to start the process of making Ariel a ward of the state. However, officials decided to give the judge in the current case a chance to award Gray permanent guardiansh­ip.

Workman’s lawyer suggested Gray was motivated to get control of Ariel’s finances, according to TMZ, but the judge shut that argument down.

At one point during the hearing, Gray’s lawyer said she wants Ariel and her parents to begin family therapy sessions as soon as possible.

The report also says Ariel is articulate and has credibilit­y, and that weighed in the conclusion­s.

Allegation­s have flown back and forth the past month, with production people from “Modern Family” saying Workman was constantly meddling in her daughter’s on- set business, verbally abusing her and denying her food. Ariel has also alleged that her mother physically abused her, a claim Workman vehemently denies.

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