The Mercury News

Obama pitches fiscal patch

Republican­s dismiss smaller reformpack­age president says will avoid broader cuts March 1

- By Michael D. Shear and Jackie Calmes

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Tuesday called on Congress to quickly pass a new package of limited spending cuts and tax increases to head off substantia­l across- the- board reductions to domestic and military spending set to begin on March 1, but his appeal for more revenue was dismissed by Republican­s.

Trying to gain the upper hand in the latest fiscal clash, Obama said Congress should delay the reductions for at least a few months to give lawmakers a chance to negotiate a full defi - cit reduction package that permanentl­y resolves the threat of a so- called sequester.

“They should at least pass a smaller package of spending cuts and tax reforms that would delay

the economical­ly damaging effects of the sequester for a few more months,” Obama said Tuesday afternoon in the White House briefing room. He said there was no reason to put at risk “the jobs of thousands of Americans.”

The president said the economy, which unexpected­ly contracted at the end of last year, had begun to recover slowly. But he warned that continuing fights over taxes and spending threaten to delay or derail that improvemen­t.

“We’ve also seen the effects that political dysfunctio­n can have,” Obama said. “We’ve made progress. And I still believe we can fi nish the job with a balanced mix of spending cuts and more tax reform.”

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, mocked the president’s demands to close tax loopholes, calling them “gimmicky tax hikes” and said, “It’s time for Washington Democrats to get real.” House Republican­s noted that they had already passed their own plans to avoid the sequester.

With the deadline looming, each party is eager to blame the other for consequenc­es that could include thousands of layoffs at military contractor­s, service reductions in programs for the needy and a new economic slump.

Missed deadline

Obama, who missed a deadline this week to submit his annual budget to Congress, acknowledg­ed Tuesday that a broader deficit agreement is unlikely to be reached by the March deadline. He provided no details about the tens of billions of dollars in spending cuts and tax adjustment­s that he wants Congress to pass quickly. More specifi cs could come when he delivers his State of the Union address next Tuesday.

“While it’s critical for us to cut wasteful spending, we can’t just cut our way to prosperity,” the president said, returning to fiscal issues after several weeks focused on gun control and immigratio­n. “I still believe that we can finish the job with a balanced mix of spending cuts and more tax reform.”

Without action in the next three weeks, federal law will set off automatic cuts worth about $ 1.2 trillion over the next decade. Obama and Republican­s in Congress designed the cuts in 2011 to be devastatin­g as a way to prod passage of a more thoughtful deficit reduction approach, but no agreement has been reached.

Deficit projection­s

Obama spoke as the nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Offi ce released its annual economic report with the latest 10- year projection­s for the annual federal budget defi cits. It provided some fodder to critics on the left and some economists who say that Washington’s continued emphasis on immediate defi cit reduction is constraini­ng economic growth, though the budget office said lower defi cits would help the economy starting in 2014.

“The federal fiscal policy specifi ed by current law will represent a drag on economic activity” this year and through 2017, the report said. It said that growth in 2013 “would be roughly 1 ½ percentage points faster than the agency now projects if not for the fiscal tightening.”

Conservati­ve House Republican­s, as a price for their vote to suspend the debt ceiling, last month demanded that their leaders allow the automatic cuts to go into force as scheduled unless alternativ­es could be found on time. So far, Republican leaders have held firm to that promise even with some Republican­s expressing anxiety about the cuts to the Pentagon.

House Republican­s last year passed two bills that would reduce domestic spending enough to avoid the automatic defense cuts, although those bills expired with the last Congress. Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday called their proposals “commonsens­e cuts and reforms” that the president and his Democratic allies in the Senate could immediatel­y accept.

Democrats say the cuts favored by House Republican­s would unfairly target domestic programs, and Obama again insisted Tuesday that any shortterm action in the next several weeks must meet his demands for a balanced approach that also closes tax loopholes for wealthy citizens and industries.

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