The Mercury News

Gun sale background checks drop

Buying spree sparked by concern over new laws leaves store shelves empty

- By Eileen Sullivan and Jack Gillum

WASHINGTON — The number of federal background checks for firearms sales declined in the U. S. last month, as retailers continue to run out of guns to sell during a buying spree driven by Washington’s new focus on gun control.

Background checks decreased 10 percent nationally between December and January, with large declines in the Southern states of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississipp­i, Tennessee and Virginia as well as Texas, according to an Associated Press analysis of new FBI data published Tuesday.

Firearms sales surged around the country after the December shooting spree in Newtown, Conn. A gunman killed 20 children and six adults at the school.

There were more than 2.78 million checks in December. That was a 12month peak following an upward trend through last fall. The number fell to 2.48 million in January, still a higher figure than any other month than December last year.

“You can’t do a background check if a guy doesn’t have a gun to buy,” said Mike Fotia, manager at Duke’s Sport Shop in New Castle, Pa. “There’s nothing to buy.”

Fotia said manufactur­ers and wholesaler­s can’t fill orders right now because demand is so high.

Gun sales traditiona­lly dip after the rush of the holiday shopping season, and the decrease this year is the smallest since 1998 when the federal government began tracking federally mandated National Instant Criminal Background Checks. This year’s smaller decrease confirms what gun- sellers have reported seeing: There continues to be a higher interest in firearms than in previous years, but there have been fewer buyers recently because gun stores are out of stock.

“Availabili­ty has been an issue. You’re just not able to sell as much,” said Katie Stulce who owns Champion Firearms Corp. in College Station, Texas. “We’re probably turning away 60 percent of the people coming in wanting to buy something.”

The number of background checks does not necessaril­y represent the number of firearms purchased, but gun manufactur­ers use these statistics to measure the health of the gun industry in the U. S.

Louisiana, Alabama and Mississipp­i saw the largest declines in background checks from December to January, by nearly onethird. Those states also saw some of the highest increases in background checks between November and December last year.

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