The Mercury News

Analysis: Obama fails to deliver on promises of transparen­cy

Record number of info requests denied, delayed

- By Ted Bridis

WASHINGTON — The Obama administra­tion set a record again for censoring government files or outright denying access to them last year under the U. S. Freedom of Informatio­n Act, according to a new analysis of federal data by The Associated Press.

The government took longer to turn over files when it provided any, said more regularly that it couldn’t find documents and refused a record number of times to turn over files quickly that might be especially newsworthy.

It also acknowledg­ed in nearly 1 in 3 cases that its initial decisions to withhold or censor records were improper under the law — but only when it was challenged.

Its backlog of unanswered requests at year’s end grew remarkably by 55 percent to more than 200,000. It also cut by 375, or about 9 percent, the number of full- time employees across government paid to look for records. That was the fewest number of employees working on the issue in five years.

The government’s new figures, published Tuesday, covered all requests to 100 federal agencies during fiscal 2014 under the Freedom of Informatio­n law, which is heralded globally as a model for transparen­t government. They showed that despite disappoint­ments and failed promises by the White House to make meaningful improvemen­ts in the way it releases records, the law was more popular than ever. Citizens, journalist­s, businesses and others made a record 714,231 requests for informatio­n. The U. S. spent a record $ 434 million trying to keep up. It also spent about $ 28 million on lawyers’ fees to keep records secret.

“This disappoint­ing track record is hardly the mark of an administra­tion that was supposed to be the most transparen­t in history,” said Sen. John Cornyn, R- Texas, who has co- sponsored legislatio­n with Sen. Patrick Leahy, D- Vt., to improve the Freedom of Informatio­n law. Their effort died in the House last year.

The new figures showed the government responded to 647,142 requests, a 4 percent decrease over the previous year. It more than ever censored materials it turned over or fully denied access to them, in 250,581 cases or 39 percent of all requests. Sometimes, the government censored only a few words or an employee’s phone number, but other times it completely marked out nearly every paragraph on pages.

On 215,584 other occasions, the government said it couldn’t find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the government determined the request to be unreasonab­le or improper.

The White House touted its success under its own analysis. It routinely excludes from its assessment instances when it couldn’t find records, a person refused to pay for copies or the request was determined to be improper under the law, and said under this calculatio­n it released all or parts of records in 91 percent of requests — still a record low since President Barack Obama took office using the White House’s own math.

“We actually do have a lot to brag about,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

Under the president’s instructio­ns, the U. S. should not withhold or censor government files merely because they might be embarrassi­ng, but federal employees last year regularly misapplied the law. In emails that AP obtained from the National Archives and Records Administra­tion about who pays for Michelle Obama’s expensive dresses, the agency blacked- out a sentence under part of the law intended to shield personal, private informatio­n, such as Social Security numbers, phone numbers or home addresses. But it failed to censor the same passage on a subsequent page.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH/ ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Last year, the Obama administra­tion cut the number of employees that process Freedom of Informatio­n requests.
SUSAN WALSH/ ASSOCIATED PRESS Last year, the Obama administra­tion cut the number of employees that process Freedom of Informatio­n requests.

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