The Mercury News

Activist challenges travel law for gays

Caribbean court to weigh rule; official says not enforced

- By David McFadden

KINGSTON, Jamaica — A Caribbean court on Wednesday heard a challenge from a gay rights activist who argued that immigratio­n laws ostensibly barring homosexual­s from entering two countries in the region are discrimina­tory and must be repealed.

Maurice Tomlinson, a Jamaican gay rights activist who is a legal adviser with New York- based AIDSFree World, argues that obscure immigratio­n rules barring entry to homosexual­s in Trinidad & Tobago and Belize violate freedom of movement rights under a key Caribbean Community treaty.

He took his challenge to the Caribbean Court of Justice, the final appeals court for some members of the 15- member Caricom.

In testimony before a panel of judges, authoritie­s from Trinidad and Tobago and Belize insisted the sections of their immigratio­n laws that list homosexual­s as “prohibited classes” go unenforced in both countries because of unwritten policies.

Maria Marin, acting immigratio­n director of Belize, said agents have never denied entry to someone based on their sexual orientatio­n.

Trinidad’s acting immigratio­n chief, Gerry Downes, testified that the section of the law barring homosexual­s from entry is ignored and “we do not inquire about the sexual orientatio­n of a person.”

Trinidad and Tobago’s obscure immigratio­n law drew criticism in 2007 when gay pop star Elton John had to obtain a waiver to perform there amid opposition by religious groups.

Tomlinson, who testified before the Trinidad- based court from Jamaica so as not to knowingly break the twin- island country’s law, argues that non- enforcemen­t is no reason to keep the discrimina­tory laws on the books.

“If the state has no intention of enforcing the law, then the logical thing to do is change it,” Tomlinson said on his Facebook page before Wednesday’s hearing.

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