The Mercury News

Free us from Prius theists, oh, Dark Lord of Ecology

- GARY RICHARDS Look for Gary Richard at mr. roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@ mercurynew­ or 408-920-5335.

Q You should seriously rethink your call to the “Pious” drivers to rebut Bob Sutis’ letter of last Sunday. Just because you took umbrage at his descriptio­n of you as a nerd or dweeb doesn’t mean you have the right to subject the rest of us to another round of this Prius nonsense. You have sufficient requests for help on problem roads that will now go unanswered. If you insist on taking this ill-advised road, pun intended, I will strongly recommend your immediate terminatio­n.

Bruce Onken


A Fat chance (I hope). All my bosses are secret Prius fanatics.

Q Thanks for publishing my observatio­ns on the new generation of Prius drivers. I enjoy poking fun and contributi­ng to your column. I thought you might have a question about my labeling original Prius owners as dweebs or nerds. I was all lined up to answer what the difference is. A nerd is a person with tech skills but lacking in social skills while a dweeb has neither. Ha-ha.

Bob Sutis

Los Altos

A Bob wrote that current Prius drivers are a new breed who accelerate from a stop and who drive aggressive­ly on streets and highways. On a recent trip on I-5, he was passed by even young Prius drivers, “in contrast to years past when mostly aged Prius drivers were road boulders of Mrs. Roadshow’s nightmares. The change is welcome.”

Q Since when is it an insult to be called a nerd? The nerds are the ones who make Silicon Valley what it is. Our youngest son came home from school one day in third grade (he is now 30) and said with a frown, “Someone called me a nerd today.”

I looked back at him and said, “That’s nothing to be sad about. Being a nerd is great! I’m a nerd. Your Dad is a nerd. We love being nerds. Nerds get to do all the fun stuff!”

The frown changed to a smile and he’s been a happy nerd ever since. He got his college degree in manufactur­ing engineerin­g, but his first love is musical theater.

Sue Allen

Palo Alto

A Power to the nerds! Sue’s son Keith is the shorter lead singer on the YouTube parody “Talk Nerdy to Me,” and Harry Potter on “Dark Lord Funk.”

Now, make him buy a Prius.

Q Before all you Pious, er, Prius, drivers start congratula­ting yourselves on your enlightenm­ent, give a listen to the “Freakonomi­cs” podcast on “conspicuou­s conservati­on.” Economists found that while most hybrid cars were equal in terms of gas savings, cost and performanc­e, the Prius remains the best-selling hybrid because it is immediatel­y identifiab­le as one. For Prius owners, it’s not enough to simply drive a hybrid. It’s important that everyone knows they drive a hybrid. This is the same behavior that compels people to install solar panels on the front of their house even if the back is better, so neighbors can see how progressiv­e they are.

So climb down off that pedestal, Prius owners. Good for you for reducing your gas use. But be honest about why you bought that Prius rather than a hybrid Accord or Camry.

Lenny Bonsall

San Jose

A Mrs. Roadshow, we’re putting solar panels on the roof of our Prius!

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