The Mercury News

Going strong at 107

Never skip a meal and take a walk dailywhile getting plenty of sunshine


Gladys Allison, left, celebrates her 107th birthday at The Forum at Rancho San Antonio retirement community with Bernice Beckwith.

CUPERTINO — The sinking of the Titanic, the Great Depression, two world wars, miraculous medical breakthrou­ghs and the advent of new technology — one Cupertino woman has lived through it all.

Gladys Allison, born in 1908, has lived through 19 presidents, numerous U.S. military conflicts and mankind’s giant leap into outer space.

Allison celebrated her 107th birthday Tuesday at The Forum at Rancho San Antonio retirement community, where she lives.

Her secret to longevity? “Well, I always said, eat three meals a day. Don’t skip meals — that’s important,” Allison said. “And take a walk every day, get out in the sunshine. Take a walk, and that’s it.”

Linda Gustafson, activities manager at the Forum, said Allison is a special person. “You can just look at her and she just glows all the time. She’s very, very sweet.”

Gustafson said Allison stays active and frequents many events at the retirement community.

“She’s very social; she goes to all of our programs,” Gustafson said. “She loves bingo and she loves music. She loves socials, and sitting down one on one and talking to people.”

More than 20 fellow Forum residents showed up to wish Allison well by singing “Happy Birthday” and sharing cake.

Allison’s daughter, Joan Howerter, said her mother



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