The Mercury News

Greek parties struggle to form new government

Elections planned for September

- By Elena Becatoros Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece — Greece’s main opposition party launched efforts to form a new government Friday following Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ resignatio­n, but made no progress in what appears a doomed task — which will pave the way for another potentiall­y destabiliz­ing election.

Tsipras resigned late Thursday and called an early election next month to deal with a rebellion in his radical left Syriza party over the terms of Greece’s new bailout deal.

Although no date has been set, outgoing government spokeswoma­n Olga Gerovassil­i said Friday she expects Greeks will go to the polls on Sept. 20.

The opposition has few chances of uniting and forming a government, meaning that after more than five years of a worsening financial crisis, Greece is headed for its fifth national election in six years. Tsipras is widely tipped to win the vote, though if he fails to secure an outright majority he could have to seek a new coalition.

His decision to call a vote so early — just hours after Greece started tapping loans from its $ 95 billion rescue program — amounts to a bet that he can regain power with a new government that would not be hobbled by internal dissent.

The rebels announced Friday they were splitting to form their own anti- austerity movement.

They want to scrap the bailout altogether, arguing that the budget savings and reforms Tsipras agreed to for the bailout Iare exactly what they had vowed to fight when they came to power with Syriza in January.

About one in four Syriza lawmakers refused to back the bailout’s ratificati­on in parliament last week, which was only approved with backing from opposition parties. Faced with such dissent, it became only a matter of time before Tsipras called an election or confidence vote to confirm his mandate to implement the bailout reforms.

It will be the third time this year that Greeks vote, after January elections and a July 5 referendum on reforms that creditors were proposing during bailout negotiatio­ns.

Some analysts are concerned that the election could delay reforms needed to get rescue loans, which are only disbursed after quarterly reviews.

“A September election would occur before the first program review in October and may well hamper and delay the technical work and political decisions necessary for its completion,” said the Fitch ratings agency.

“The likely pause in legislatin­g for reforms during the election campaign coming so soon after the agreement was concluded may rekindle or reinforce some creditors’ concerns about Greece’s ability to meet the program’s requiremen­ts,” Fitch said.

So far, Greece’s European creditors seemed sanguine about the election, which had been widely expected.

“The step by Prime Minister Tsipras isn’t surprising” considerin­g he has lost his majority in parliament, said Steffen Seibert, spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

He noted that the bailout deal was signed with Greece, and not just the current government, meaning it should be implemente­d by whoever emerges victorious from the election.

Jeroen Dijsselblo­em, the Dutchman who heads eurozone finance ministers meetings, said he hoped the elections would not slow down Greece’s reforms.

“There is a very broad majority in the Greek parliament at the moment that supports the ( bailout) package and the expectatio­n is that that could even get stronger,” he told reporters.

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