The Mercury News

Wait for friends to share their news

At best, anticipati­ng other people’s announceme­nts deprives them of the pleasure of doing so themselves. At worst, wrong guesses cause embarrassm­ent.

- MISS MANNERS Miss Manners is the pseudonym of Judith Martin. Contact her at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.


MANNERS: In our group of friends, we have two guys that we assume are dating but who aren’t confirming anything, even though their affection toward each other is really obvious.

Is it rude if we ask them about their relationsh­ip? Or do we just keep quiet and wait until they admit it themselves? JUDITH MARTIN

GENTLE READER: Why do you need to know? Especially as they do not feel the need to tell you?

At best, anticipati­ng other people’s announceme­nts deprives them of the pleasure of doing so themselves. At worst, wrong guesses cause embarrassm­ent.

Therefore, Miss Manners bans all such questions, including “Are you pregnant?” “Did you get into your first-choice college?” “When are you two getting married?” and “Haven’t you found a job yet?” She asks you to be patient; your friends will either tell you, or they will not.


MANNERS: I work in a large bookstore, part of a multinatio­nal chain. We provide a limited number of chairs, which customers may use to examine their books before, one hopes, buying them.

It is not uncommon for our customers to remove their shoes while they relax in these chairs. I hope I don’t have to explain why this disturbs me, my co-workers and, I assume, other customers.

Unfortunat­ely, my employer (that is, the chain, not the management of my store) has what they deem a “Just Say Yes!” philosophy of customer service, and will not be amenable to something as simple as a “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service” sign, or the equivalent.

But if I can find a polite but clever and (at least nominally) inoffensiv­e way of suggesting that people keep their shoes on, I do not have much fear of retributio­n from my immediate supervisor­s. Anything I say can’t reference store policy, or the like. What would you suggest saying? GENTLE READER: “Watch out for staples and paper clips.” DEAR MISS MANNERS: I have found websites where I can generate my own thank-you notes (I pick out the card, type the message, etc.), and the website prints the cards with my message and mails it directly to the recipient.

It may start out electronic, but the recipient ends up with a printed card with my personal message, even if it is not in my own handwritin­g. Do you feel this is still personal enough, or should I stick with the traditiona­l note cards in my own handwritin­g?

GENTLE READER: As you realize, this is not quite as personal as it would be if you wrote your thanks in your own hand on a piece of paper and mailed it. It doubtless also costs slightly more in both time and money to engage a service. Why people assume they come out ahead by farming out such a simple task, Miss Manners cannot imagine.

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