The Mercury News

FBI said to be investigat­ing “credible” reports of Russian hacking into election systems in several U.S. states.

FBI investigat­ing suspicions around state computer systems

- By Ellen Nakashima Washington Post 111

WASHINGTON — Hackers targeted voter registrati­on systems in Illinois and Arizona, and the FBI alerted Arizona officials in June that Russian hackers were behind the assault on the election system in that state.

The bureau told Arizona officials that the threat was “credible” and severe, ranking as “an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10,” said Matt Roberts, a spokesman for the secretary of state’s office.

Secretary of State Michele Reagan shut down the state voter registrati­on system for almost a week.

It turned out that the hackers did not succeed in compromisi­ng the state system or even any county system, but rather had managed to steal the user name and password for one Gila County elections official.

Nonetheles­s, the revelation comes amid news that the FBI is investigat­ing suspected foreign hacks of state election computer systems, and earlier this month warned states to be on the alert for intrusions.

In Illinois, officials discovered an intrusion into their state voter registrati­on system in July.

Although the hackers did not alter any data, the intrusion into the Illinois database marks the first successful compromise of a state election database, federal officials said.

Until now, countries such as Russia and China have shown little interest in voting systems in the United States. But experts said that if a foreign government gains the ability to tamper with voter data, such a hack could cast doubt on the legitimacy of U.S. elections.

Meanwhile, the recently discovered hacks have state officials across the country scrambling to ensure that their systems have not been compromise­d. At least two other states are looking into potential breaches, officials said.

In July, officials in Illinois discovered the intrusion, in which hackers were able to retrieve voter records. The amount accessed was “a fairly small percentage of the total,” said Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois elections board.

State officials alerted the FBI, he said. The Department of Homeland Security also got involved, he said. The intrusion led the state election board to shut down the voter registrati­on system for a week.

In June, the Arizona Secretary of State’s office shut down part of its website after the FBI found a potential threat to its state voter registrati­on system, according to The Arizona Republic.

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