The Mercury News

Clinton reaches out to women

Trump says opponent to blame over personal tax revelation­s

- By Jonathan Lemire and Ken Thomas

PRESCOTT VALLEY, Ariz. — Hillary Clinton appealed to voting mothers Tuesday outlining ways she hopes to curb gun violence as president and provide paid family leave and sick days for struggling working moms. Donald Trump tried to blame his opponent about revelation­s that his massive financial losses could have allowed him to avoid paying federal income taxes for years.

Clinton, appearing at a Family town Hall outside Philadelph­ia, said, “It should not be so hard to be a young parent. And it should not be so hard on the other end of the age spectrum to take care of your loved one.”

She was making a case to suburban female voters who have sometimes backed Republican­s in past presidenti­al races.

Trump, meanwhile, sought to shore up support in deep-red Arizona during a challengin­g stretch for his campaign that aides hoped would be steadied Tuesday night by a strong performanc­e by his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, against Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine in the vice presidenti­al debate.

The businessma­n — who was also grappling with new allegation­s of boorish treatment of women and criticism of his comments about veterans’ health — resorted to blaming Clinton for the tax code that could have allowed him to not pay taxes for nearly two decades after he apparently lost nearly $1 billion in 1995.

“Why didn’t she ever try to change those so laws so I couldn’t use them?” asked Trump in the Republican-stronghold of Prescott Valley, before suggesting that Clinton’s desire to protect her donors prevented her from passing any legislatio­n while she was in the Senate.

Trump has refused to release his tax returns. His tax reform proposals do not call for changing the provision that would have allowed him to avoid paying.

He attempted to change the conversati­on by seizing on former President Bill Clinton’s comments describing the nation’s current health system as “the craziest thing in the world.”

“Can you imagine what he went through after making that statement? He went through hell,” said Trump. “But you know, honestly, there have been many nights when he’s gone through hell with Hillary.”

Despite frequently depicting Bill Clinton as an abuser of women, Trump said he wanted “to thank him, honestly, for being honest” about Obamacare.

Asked about her husband’s comment on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton said she would attempt to “fix what is broken and keep what works” if elected president, adding that Republican­s want to repeal the entire health care program. She also condemned Trump’s recent comments about veterans, in which he suggested that soldiers who suffer from mental health issues might not be as strong as those who don’t.

She said Trump’s comments “are not just ignorant, they’re harmful.”

Trump’s campaign said Monday his comments were being misconstru­ed.

There were signs Trump’s troubles were trickling down to other Republican­s on the November ballot.

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a Republican running for re-election, stumbled on Monday night when she was asked whether she considers her party’s nominee to be a role model for children. Ayotte, who is in a close race with Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan, initially answered “absolutely,” but then backtracke­d in a statement afterward saying she had changed her mind.

“I misspoke tonight,” the statement said. “While I would hope all of our children would aspire to be president, neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton have set a good example, and I wouldn’t hold up either of them as role models for my kids.”

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? After a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvan­ia, on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton was hoping to make the case to suburban female voters who have sometimes backed Republican­s in past presidenti­al elections.
ANDREW HARNIK/ASSOCIATED PRESS After a rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvan­ia, on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton was hoping to make the case to suburban female voters who have sometimes backed Republican­s in past presidenti­al elections.
 ?? ROSS D. FRANKLIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? At a campaign rally Tuesday in Prescott Valley, Arizona, Donald Trump sought to shore up support in this deep-red state during a challengin­g stretch for his campaign.
ROSS D. FRANKLIN/ASSOCIATED PRESS At a campaign rally Tuesday in Prescott Valley, Arizona, Donald Trump sought to shore up support in this deep-red state during a challengin­g stretch for his campaign.

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