The Mercury News

On Roe anniversar­y, foes look to Trump

Pro-life advocates hope new president advances their agenda

- By John Hanna Associated Press

TOPEKA, Kan. — Abortion opponents expressed optimism Monday that President Donald Trump’s early months in office would advance their cause as hundreds converged on the Kansas Statehouse to mark the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

Trump, inaugurate­d Friday, has promised to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court with what he has called a “pro-life” justice and has said he would sign anti-abortion measures approved by the Republican­controlled Congress. Even as GOP governors and legislatur­es enacted a raft of new anti-abortion laws over the past decade, the movement faced a big obstacle from Democrat Barack Obama’s eight years as president.

“I have high expectatio­ns,” said Karin Capron, a 69-year-old retired chemist from the Kansas City suburb of Mission who has been active in the anti-abortion movement for more than four decades. “The more hear about him (Trump), the more I think he can be very helpful to the pro-life movement.”

Longtime anti-abortion activists mixed with private school students and joined prominent state officials at the annual Rally for Life, one day after the 44th anniversar­y of the Roe vs. Wade ruling.

The rally, which is regularly the largest annual political event at the Capitol in Topeka, was accompanie­d by worship services and workshops — a prelude to the movement’s paramount event, the annual March for Life on Friday in Washington. The rally included prayers for Trump and seeking an end to abortion.

Trump on Monday reinstated a ban on providing federal money to internatio­nal groups that perform abortions or provide informatio­n on the option. The policy has been instituted by Republican administra­tions and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984.

The anti-abortion rally has drawn several thousand people to the Statehouse in the past; the crowd Monday had as many as 1,000 people. But a women’s march and rally Saturday drew more than 3,000 people — many of them concerned about abortion rights.

Marilyn Ault, of Topeka, now 78, became an abortion rights supporter in the early 1960s after watching a friend recover from an illegal abortion. Ault, who ran the local Battered Women’s Task Force, said she recalls fellow abortion-rights activists thinking after the Roe decision, “That was it, and we wouldn’t have to worry about it,” she said.

Capron, a lifelong Catholic, said she became active in the anti-abortion movement in 1973, following the decision, after seeing a slide show at a church that featured pictures of aborted fetuses. She’d just had a baby, and recalls, “I said, God, I’ve got to do something.”

She has protested and handed out literature outside abortion clinics and staffed anti-abortion booths at fairs. She has marched to raise money for crisis pregnancy centers and worked as a pregnancy counselor.

Capron hopes Congress approves a measure to halt funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading provider of abortions. Another congressio­nal proposal would ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

 ?? ORLIN WAGNER/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Roe v. Wade protesters rally Monday on the steps of the Statehouse in Topeka, Kansas, to mark the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
ORLIN WAGNER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Roe v. Wade protesters rally Monday on the steps of the Statehouse in Topeka, Kansas, to mark the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

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