The Mercury News

Granny panties offend crashers


DEAR AMY: My husband and I have been dissatisfi­ed with our jobs, so we decided that we needed some time to figure out our futures.

We moved in with my mother in her one-bedroom apartment. She has given us her room, and is sleeping on the couch.

One problem: My mom insists on wearing her underwear to bed!

Most times it’s just a bra and high-waisted granny panties. She doesn’t parade around in them, but we have both walked into the living room to the sight of her standing there in just her undies.

This is OK when you are young, but my mom is 47!

It grosses out my husband to see his mother-inlaw in her frumpy underwear. He feels angry and I feel embarrasse­d.

We thought that if we bought her some bikini underwear and cute sleep sets, she’d get the hint, but she told us to take them back.

My husband got offended and told her that if she doesn’t want to cover up then she should move in with my aunt until we get our situation figured out.

She says that we are making a big deal out of nothing.

Amy, how can I get my mom to act her age? Frustrated Daughter

DEAR FRUSTRATED: How horrible for you both to have to be exposed to the hideousnes­s of a middle-age woman’s body!

I can only imagine the trauma for your husband as he leaves the cozy confines of his mother-in-law’s bedroom, only to encounter her in the flesh. And wearing unfashiona­ble “granny panties,” no less!

Fortunatel­y, I have a easy and instant solution to your problem.

It involves you packing up your suitcases and finding another party to crash.

You both strike me as not only supremely selfish, but fairly dim. Your mother, obviously, is staking a claim to her home. Good for her.

Her technique for getting you out of her house is brilliant.

DEAR AMY: I have been living with my boyfriend for almost a year and a half.

I recently discovered that he lied about his age by almost 12 years!

At first I thought I could accept it, but I also learned he was previously married.

I haven’t confronted him yet, because I am afraid.

I cannot afford our place on my own and do not have enough money to start over. Confused, Afraid and Betrayed

DEAR CONFUSED: I can understand why you might feel afraid. If he has deceived you about these basic facts, you can only imagine what else he might be hiding.

I suggest you find a place to stay, in anticipati­on of a conversati­on that might turn into a confrontat­ion, and/or a breakup. See if you can bunk friends or family for a short time.

I assume you intend to end the relationsh­ip. Put your plan in place, and then ask him to meet you in a public, neutral location, and, as calmly as possible, present him with what you’ve learned, and listen to his response.

If you hold the lease on your apartment, he should move out, and you will have to find a roommate to help share expenses.

Send questions to askamy@ amydickins­ or Ask Amy, c/o Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Drive, Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001.

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