The Mercury News

Sean Spicer walks back Assad-Hitler comparison that drew gasps.

‘I mistakenly used an inappropri­ate and insensitiv­e reference’

- By Jenna Johnson and Ashley Parker

White House press secretary Sean Spicer apologized on Tuesday for remarks that were viewed as downplayin­g the atrocities of the Holocaust.

In criticizin­g Syrian President Bashar Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons during a Tuesday briefing, Spicer said that even Adolf Hitler did not sink to that level of warfare and “was not using the gas on his own people in the same way that Assad is doing,” despite Hitler’s use of gas chambers to kill millions of Jews and others.

Following hours of controvers­y, Spicer walked back his remarks late in the day.

“Frankly, I mistakenly used an inappropri­ate and insensitiv­e reference to the Holocaust for which, frankly, there is no comparison,” Spicer said in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday evening that led the nightly newscasts of all three major networks. “And for that, I apologize. It was a mistake to do that.”

Blitzer, the son of Holocaust survivors, asked Spicer if he knew that the Nazis took Jews, gays, gypsies and others to death camps “to slaughter them in these poison-gas chambers.”

“Yes, clearly I am aware of that,” Spicer said, adding that his original comments were meant to focus just on Assad’s use of chemical weapons dropped from aircraft. “It was a mistake to do that and, again, that’s why I should have just stayed on topic, stayed focused on the actions that Assad had taken and the horrible atrocities that he had committed against his own people.”

President Donald Trump and his aides rarely apologize for controvers­ial remarks or stating factual errors and often take a confrontat­ional approach when challenged. Spicer’s decision to appear on CNN late in the day was a sign of how badly his remarks were being received both inside and outside the White House.

Spicer brought up Hitler unprompted during Tuesday’s White House briefing when asked about the alliance between Assad and Russia.

“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II,” Spicer said. “You had ... someone as despicable as Hitler who didn’t even sink to the using chemical weapons.”

Later in the briefing, a reporter asked Spicer to explain what he meant.

“I think when you come to sarin gas, there was no — he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing,” Spicer said, mispronoun­cing Assad’s name.

Spicer’s comments drew stunned looks from reporters, and the mouth of one White House press aide seemed to fall open in a half gasp as he spoke. Reporters tried to correct Spicer, to remind him of the millions gassed in concentrat­ion camps, with one person shouting out: “He gassed the Jews!”

“I understand your point, thank you,” Spicer said. “He brought them into the Holocaust center, I understand that. But what I am saying in the way that Assad used them, where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocent, into the middle of towns … so the use of it. And I appreciate the clarificat­ion there. That was not the intent.”

 ?? OLIVIER DOULIERY/GETTY IMAGES ?? During a TV interview at the White House on Tuesday, Presidenti­al Press Secretary Sean Spicer apologizes for comments he made suggesting that President Bashar Assad of Syria was worse than Hitler.
OLIVIER DOULIERY/GETTY IMAGES During a TV interview at the White House on Tuesday, Presidenti­al Press Secretary Sean Spicer apologizes for comments he made suggesting that President Bashar Assad of Syria was worse than Hitler.

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