The Mercury News

Macron, Le Pen stump for votes ahead of May 7 French runoff

- By Angela Charlton

USSEAU, France — French presidenti­al frontrunne­r Emmanuel Macron hunted Saturday for votes in rural France where his far-right opponent, Marine Le Pen, is making inroads among country folk who feel left behind.

Back in Paris, Le Pen announced that if she wins the presidency in the May 7 runoff she would name former rival Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, her new campaign ally, as her prime minister. The move aims to secure the nearly 1.7 million votes that the anti-European Union conservati­ve got when he was eliminated from the presidenti­al race in the first round of balloting.

Since many Dupont-Aignan voters had already been expected to switch to Le Pen for her runoff against the centrist Macron, the alliance is unlikely to prove a massive electoral boost for her.

Symbolical­ly, however, it punctured a hole in hopes — expressed by mainstream politician­s on both the left and the right — that French voters would unite against Le Pen’s extremism in the runoff. That did happen in 2002, when her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, made it to the presidenti­al runoff but lost overwhelmi­ngly to Jacques Chirac.

At a news conference with Dupont-Aignan, Marine Le Pen celebrated his backing as the creation of “a great patriotic and republican alliance” and said they will campaign “handin-hand.”

“It’s a historic day, because we are putting France’s interests before personal or partisan ones,” Dupont-Aignan said.

Macron said their farright and right-wing alliance made the campaign battle lines even clearer.

“There is a reactionar­y, nationalis­t, anti-European right-wing that has structured itself and which, today, is an important political force,” he said. “Facing it is a progressiv­e bloc that I represent, and which defends France.”

Macron is not saying yet who he would name to lead his government if he is elected. In a radio interview Saturday, he merely said he has “people in mind.”

Venturing into rural France to combat Le Pen’s arguments that he represents just the big-city elite, the former economy minister plugged his proposals to reverse the economic and social decline in farming areas. Macron promised to modernize phone and internet connection­s in rural areas and vigorously defended the EU as an essential market for French farmers.

On an impromptu tour of the farmers’ market in the central town of Poitiers, Macron listened to a grain farmer complain about low-price competitio­n from other EU countries and a vegetable farmer lament about the difficulty of getting loans to upgrade farm equipment.

As the smell of goat cheeses wafted across the stalls, Macron rebuffed Le Pen’s criticisms of the EU with a vigorous defense of European free trade, saying her plans to leave the bloc and its agricultur­al aid program would spell the end of French farming.

 ?? ERIC FEFERBERG/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? In an effort to appeal to rural voters, Emmanuel Macron, second from left, campaigns at a market in Poitiers, France.
ERIC FEFERBERG/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE VIA GETTY IMAGES In an effort to appeal to rural voters, Emmanuel Macron, second from left, campaigns at a market in Poitiers, France.
 ?? MICHEL EULER/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Candidate Marine Le Pen, right, introduces her new campaign ally Nicolas Dupont-Aignan on Saturday in Paris.
MICHEL EULER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Candidate Marine Le Pen, right, introduces her new campaign ally Nicolas Dupont-Aignan on Saturday in Paris.

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