The Mercury News

Good etiquette is not a free-for-all

- Contact Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.


MANNERS: In one of your responses, you refer to “unauthoriz­ed people who make up their own etiquette rules.”

As with spelling, grammar and a host of other culture-related items, is not etiquette always dynamic, changing over time?

Whom do you believe is “authorized”? GENTLE READER: You are addressing her.

It is exactly because etiquette evolves that Miss Manners has to act as the impartial judge of which are legitimate changes and which are not. From long experience, she knows that a declaratio­n that something is “no longer expected” — typically answering invitation­s or writing thanks — simply represents a refusal to comply with the legitimate expectatio­ns of others.

Someone has to speak up for those who are neverthele­ss expected to be generous and hospitable — but without acknowledg­ment or even simple cooperatio­n.

It’s a tough job, and Miss Manners would welcome legitimate help.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My vintage home is for sale. I’ve done a lot of restoratio­n work on it, but some remains.

This morning I heard voices in front and thought it might be potential buyers, so I went to a window to observe.

What I saw was a couple with a dog that had just urinated in my front yard. The woman then handed the leash to the man, and proceeded to strip a handful of berries from one of my shrubs.

I tapped on the window. The woman looked up, said “Hi,” and then made some grumbling remarks about not being able to take the berries, tossing in an insulting remark about the condition of my home.

Am I wrong for being a bit upset about this? I did not yell, threaten or make gestures. Just two taps on the window. GENTLE READER: Upset? Miss Manners would think you would be overjoyed at the prospect of moving out of the neighborho­od.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Once a year, a couple from out of state calls to let my husband and me know that they will be visiting our town and would like to stay with us. These are not close friends, and we have no desire to visit them in their state.

They usually show up with a bottle of wine and a token hostess gift. We clean the house thoroughly before they come and usually end up spending a couple hundred dollars at the grocery store for all of the meals we’re expected to provide.

We feel used, but we don’t know how to suggest that they stay in a hotel without being rude. Do you have any advice?

GENTLE READER: That you should learn to say no, or your house will be overrun with solvent squatters. The trick is not to offer any excuse: “I’m so sorry, but we won’t be able to have you here.” Should they be so audacious as to demand why, Miss Manners recommends saying, “I’m afraid it’s just not convenient.”

It is exactly because etiquette evolves that Miss Manners has to act as the impartial judge.


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