The Mercury News

Traffic, bad! Playing hooky, good!

- Gary Richards Mr. Roadshow

Q I couldn’t help but laugh at the amount of grief you took for offering the concept of playing hooky to make a camping trip work with Grandpa and his two granddaugh­ters instead of getting stuck in seven hours of traffic. Do people really think one day of elementary school is more beneficial than time with Grandpa? — Adam P., Walnut Creek

A I was initially bombarded with complaints and nothing but complaints after suggesting it was OK for Grandpa to take his granddaugh­ters out of school a day early to make a camping trip to Truckee work. Not today.

Q Don’t let those angry responses get you down. What will those kids remember 10 years from now: Which arithmetic lesson they learned on that Friday or the camping trip they took with Grandpa? — Dave Albert, San Jose

A Or outings like …

Q My parents took me out of school to see the King Tut exhibition, the Vincent Van Gogh exhibition and light opera matinees. These experience­s live joyously in my memory and led me to a lifelong love of museums and music. What an education I received in exchange for an occasional missed half-day of school. — Peggy Ryu

A And …

Q All three of our kids are wonderful, successful adults who went to college. Their brains didn’t fall out if they missed days of elementary school for illness, or God forbid, if we took them on a trip. — P. Perez

A Grandma Perez, we think alike.

Q As a child, my parents took me out of school for a two-week vacation each spring. I made up the school work. When I was 11, we went to Italy at the end of the school year and returned in December. I made up the school work. I graduated at the top of my class in both elementary and high school.

My wife and I took our son out of school one fall for a three-week trip to New England. One teacher had him keep a daily journal. Both schools and parents were cool. — Larry Quilici, Fremont

A And …

Q My parents did this when I was young. I did it with my kids and don’t see the issue if it’s not a regular occurrence. — James Reilley, Sacramento

A Today’s final word …

Q A little hooky is an adventure, a wink at authority, an elbow nudge between grandpa and the kid. You were absolutely correct in your suggestion. — Ed Malley, Aptos

A OK, a confession. When I was in sixth grade, Dubuque Senior High School reached the Iowa state basketball tournament and the game was going to be on TV. I suddenly “took ill” that morning and pleaded to mom that I should stay in bed.

At 1 p.m., tip-off time, I asked if I could turn on our black-and-white TV. I still recall that game today. Mom smiled and never said a word. I know she knew and I loved her for that. Follow Gary Richards at mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@ bayareanew­

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