The Mercury News

After two days, Trump condemns hate groups

On message: Calls neo-Nazis ‘repugnant’ to American values

- By Jonathan Lemire

WASHINGTON >> Bowing to pressure from right and left, President Donald Trump condemned white supremacis­t groups by name on Monday, declaring “racism is evil” after two days of public equivocati­on and internal White House debate over the deadly race-fueled clashes in Charlottes­ville, Virginia.

In a hastily arranged statement at the White House, Trump branded members of the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacis­ts who take part in violence as “criminals and thugs.”

The groups are “repugnant to everything that we hold dear as Americans,” he said.

In his initial remarks on the violence Saturday, Trump did not single out the groups and instead bemoaned violence on “many sides.” Those remarks prompted stern criticism from fellow Republican­s as well as Democrats, who urged him to seize the moral authority of his office to condemn hate groups.

Trump’s softer statement on Saturday had come as graphic images of a car plowing into a crowd in Charlottes­ville were playing continuall­y on television. White nationalis­ts had assembled in the city to protest plans to take down a statue of Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee, and counterpro­testers gathered in opposition. Fights broke out, and then a man drove into the opponents of the white supremacis­ts. One woman was killed and many more badly hurt. Twenty-year-old James Alex Fields Jr., of Ohio, is charged with second-degree murder and other counts.

Loath to appear to be admitting a mistake, Trump was reluctant to adjust his remarks.

The president had indicated to advisers before his initial statement Saturday that he wanted to stress a need for law and order, which he did. He later expressed anger to those close to him about what he perceived as the media’s unfair assessment of his remarks, believing he had effectivel­y denounced all forms of bigotry, according to outside advisers and White House officials.

Several of Trump’s senior advisers, including new chief of staff John Kelly, had urged him to make a more specific condemnati­on, warning that the negative story would not go away and that the rising tide of criticism from fellow Republican­s on Capitol Hill could endanger his legislativ­e agenda, according to two White House officials.

The outside advisers and officials demanded anonymity to discuss private conversati­ons.

Early Monday, the CEO of the nation’s third largest pharmaceut­ical company said he was resigning from the President’s American Manufactur­ing Council, citing “a responsibi­lity to take a stand against intoleranc­e and extremism.”

Trump lashed back at Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier on Twitter, saying Frazier “will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!”

Monday night, the CEO of athletic wear manufactur­er Under Armour also resigned from the panel, saying his company “engages in innovation and sports, not politics.” Kevin Plank did not specifical­ly mention Trump or Charlottes­ville, but said his company will focus on promoting “unity, diversity and inclusion” through sports.

Michael Dell of Dell Technologi­es said through a spokespers­on that he will continue to sit on the manufactur­ing council. “There’s no change in Dell engaging with the Trump administra­tion and government­s around the world to share our perspectiv­e on policy issues that affect our company, customers and employees,” the spokespers­on said.

Like many tech leaders, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich spoke out against the violence, tweeting, “There should be no hesitation in condemning hate speech or white supremacy by name,” tweeted Krzanich. “Intel asks all our country’s leadership to do the same.” Krzanich, who sits on the manufactur­ing council, made no mention of his role and Intel did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment about his plans.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk previously resigned from two of Trump’s business advisory councils after Trump pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.

Aides were dispatched to Sunday talk shows but struggled to explain the president’s position. A stronger statement was released — but attributed only to an unnamed spokespers­on.

Tougher condemnati­ons began Sunday night with Vice President Mike Pence, traveling in South America, declaring that “these dangerous fringe groups have no place in American public life.”

On Monday, Trump had planned to interrupt his 17-day working vacation at his New Jersey golf club to travel to Washington for an announceme­nt he hoped would showcase some tough talk on China’s trade practices.

But by the time he arrived at midmorning, it was clear all other messages would be drowned out until he said more about Charlottes­ville.

Trump returned to a White House undergoing a major renovation. With the Oval Office unavailabl­e, he worked from the Treaty Room as aides drafted his remarks.

Reading from a teleprompt­er, he made a point of beginning with an unrelated plug for the strength of the economy under his leadership. Then, taking pains to insist “as I said on Saturday,” Trump denounced the hate groups and called for unity.

“We must love each other, show affection for each other and unite together in condemnati­on of hatred, bigotry and violence,” he said.

Trump for the first time mentioned Heather Heyer by name as he paid tribute to the woman killed by the car.

At the trade event later in the day, he was asked why it took two days for him to offer an explicit denunciati­on of the hate groups.

“They have been condemned,” Trump responded before offering a fresh criticism of some media as “fake news.”

He followed with a tweet declaring “the #fakenews will never be satisfied.”

His attorney general, Jeff Sessions, said earlier Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” “You can be sure we will charge and advance the investigat­ion toward the most serious charges that can be brought, because this is an unequivoca­lly unacceptab­le and evil attack that cannot be accepted in America.”

In the hours after the incident on Saturday, Trump addressed the violence in broad strokes, saying he condemned “in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides.”

That was met with swift bipartisan criticism. There were far fewer responses to Trump’s statement Monday, though Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, a frequent Trump critic, tweeted, “Well done Mr. President.”

Trump’s initial comments had drawn praise from the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which wrote: “Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us . ... No condemnati­on at all.”

Though the Daily Stormer did not criticize Trump’s new statement, the Occidental Dissent, a white nationalis­t website, published a message saying whites had been “deserted by their president.”

 ?? EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump speaks on Monday about the deadly white nationalis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Va.
EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump speaks on Monday about the deadly white nationalis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Va.
 ?? CRAIG RUTTLE — ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Protestors gather Monday near Trump Tower in New York City with messages for President Donald Trump.
CRAIG RUTTLE — ASSOCIATED PRESS Protestors gather Monday near Trump Tower in New York City with messages for President Donald Trump.
 ?? SPENCER PLATT — GETTY IMAGES ?? Police work to keep hundreds of protesters in a pen outside of Trump Tower along Fifth Avenue in New York City.
SPENCER PLATT — GETTY IMAGES Police work to keep hundreds of protesters in a pen outside of Trump Tower along Fifth Avenue in New York City.
 ?? PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS — ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump walks across the tarmac from Marine One to board Air Force One on Monday.
PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS — ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump walks across the tarmac from Marine One to board Air Force One on Monday.

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