The Mercury News

Things to know about the GOP tax measure


So what’s in the massive $1.5 trillion Republican tax package, what’s not and what does it mean for most Americans?

The complex legislatio­n, weeks in the making, scales back the popular deduction for state and local taxes, bad news for Americans in some of the wealthiest suburbs of New York, New Jersey and California. The bill preserves the deduction for medical expenses, rebuffing an effort by House Republican­s to eliminate it. Here are things to know about the tax overhaul bill:

Business cuts are permanent, not so for individual­s

The legislatio­n permanentl­y slashes the tax rate for corporatio­ns from 35 percent to 21 percent. But the tax cuts for individual­s and families are temporary, expiring in 2026.

The deficit will grow

Despite Republican talk of fiscal discipline, the legislatio­n is projected to add $1.46 trillion to the nation’s $20 trillion debt over a decade. GOP lawmakers say they’d expect a future Congress to continue the tax cuts so they won’t expire. If achieved, that would drive up deficits even further.

State and local tax deduction for some

The bill imposes a new $10,000 cap on the federal deduction that millions use in connection with state and local income, property and sales taxes.

The deduction is especially vital to residents of high-tax states like New York, New Jersey and California. Companies, on the other hand, will continue to be able to deduct their state and local tax payments as normal business expenses.

Child tax credit goes up

The current $1,000-perchild tax credit doubles to $2,000, with up to $1,400 available in IRS refunds for families who owe little or no taxes.

Parents must provide children’s Social Security numbers to receive the child credit, a measure intended to deny the credit to people who are in the U.S. illegally.

Restored tax benefits

The final legislatio­n restores some tax benefits that had been stripped in the House-passed bill, including the deduction for medical expenses not covered by insurance, the deduction for interest paid on student loans and the $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles.

Obamacare provision

The legislatio­n repeals an important part of the “Obamacare” health care law, the requiremen­t that all Americans carry health insurance or face a tax penalty.

Oil drilling

The bill opens Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling.

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