The Mercury News

Partially skinned coyote found hanging from tree

- By Jason Green­ Contact Jason Green at 408-920-5006.

PALO ALTO >> Local and state authoritie­s are investigat­ing how a coyote ended up partially skinned and hanging upside down from a tree at the Arastrader­o Preserve in Palo Alto.

A hiker made the macabre discovery and reported it to Palo Alto police shortly before 12:15 p.m. on Christmas Eve, said Sgt. Eric Bulatao. The wild animal appeared to have been trapped, but it remains unclear how or why it was killed. As of Saturday, a necropsy had not yet been completed.

Bulatao said a bootlace was used to hang the coyote upside down from the tree, located about 50 yards from the southernmo­st entrance to the preserve. A knife also was found at the scene.No similar incidents have been reported in the city.

The person responsibl­e for the animal’s death could be charged with animal cruelty, a crime that carries a maximum penalty of one year in either county jail or state prison and a $20,000 fine.

Under city law, animals in open space areas cannot be hunted, trapped, poached or taken. The police department is working with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to solve the case, Bulatao said.

“The safety of the people and the animals in the preserve is a high priority for us,” he said.

In the meantime, authoritie­s are urging hikers to stay on marked paths to avoid being injured by any traps or snares. Anyone with informatio­n about the case can call the city’s 24-hour dispatch center at 650-329-2413.

Anonymous tips also can be emailed to, sent via text message or voice mail to 650-383-8984, or submitted through the Palo Alto Police Department’s free mobile app, which can be downloaded at bit. ly/PAPD-AppStore or bit. ly/PAPD-GooglePlay.

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