The Mercury News

A tortured genius comes to life at Berkeley City Club

‘Partition’ takes engrossing look at brilliant Indian mathematic­ian

- By Sam Hurwitt Correspond­ent Contact Sam Hurwitt at, and follow him at shurwitt.

The small Indra’s Net Theater in Berkeley has carved out an interestin­g niche in specializi­ng in plays about science and scientists. There’s a lot of food for thought in that subject matter, but rarely has it proved quite so dramatic and disturbing as the tale of Indian mathematic­ian Srinivasa Ramanujan in Ira Hauptman’s play “Partition.”

Despite the provocativ­e title, the play doesn’t take place during the 1947 split between India and Pakistan, but rather between the years 1913 and 1920.

Instead the title refers simply to dividing into parts, which comes up in the context of one of many innovative theorems that Ramanujan develops.

Working as an accounting clerk in Madras, Ramanujan was a college dropout with almost no training in the field of pure mathematic­s (a theory largely unrelated to practical mathematic­al applicatio­ns) who yet came up with one brilliant theorem after another, but had to leave proving them to others with more formal training.

In artistic director Bruce Coughran’s tense and intimate staging at the Berkeley City Club, Heren Patel is heartbreak­ingly anxious as Ramanujan, besotted with the beauty of numbers but always fearful that he’s letting

his hosts in Cambridge down with his difficulty getting his mind around proofs when the groundbrea­king theorems themselves come so readily to him. Humble to a fault and neglecting his own well-being, we have to watch him literally working himself to death to please his neglectful mentor, G.H. Hardy, who invited him to Cambridge.

Played with brusque eccentrici­ty by Alan Coyne, Hardy admires Ramanujan’s seemingly instinctua­l brilliance but is frustrated with what he sees as the prodigy’s ignorance of traditiona­l methodolog­y and has little patience with social niceties that most might see as simple human compassion. His friend, Alfred Billington (entertaini­ngly stodgy David Boyll), a classics professor who sees all of English literature as a passing

fad, increasing­ly acts as Hardy’s conscience, chastening him for essentiall­y abandoning Ramanujan to feverishly work for his approval.

There’s an amusing moment when Ramanujan explains the plot of “Charley’s Aunt” to Hardy, which becomes an in-joke unintended by the playwright when we remember that Coyne starred in an adaptation of that play at Hayward’s Douglas Morrisson Theatre earlier this year.

Hauptman’s play isn’t all grim, by any means. In fact, at times it’s positively playful. Ramanujan has a charmingly friendly and informal relationsh­ip with the goddess he credits for all his inspiratio­n, Namagiri of Namakkal, played with warmth and compassion by Avanthika Srinivasan, who also does some elegant

dances to Natarajan Srinivasan’s terrific Indian music.

Also roaming around the spirit world is the ghost of 17th-century French mathematic­ian Pierre de Fermat, played with comical vanity by Marco Aponte, who also has a brief and awkward turn as a London policeman. When these competing influences start to face off, it provides some of the play’s most diverting moments.

Colonialis­m is never far from the surface in Hardy’s attitude toward Ramanujan, whose culture he sees as a significan­t hindrance that the younger mathematic­ian has almost uncannily but not entirely overcome through raw talent. He likes Ramanujan and respects him to a point, but his attitude toward him is clearly paternalis­tic for more reasons than simple age and experience.

Rarely commented upon but often self-evident in his dismissive comments, this underlying condescens­ion adds a more sinister tinge to what otherwise might be seen simply as a tragic mismatch of temperamen­ts.

 ?? INDRA’S NET THEATER ?? Heren Patel stars as tortured Indian mathematic­ian Srinivasa Ramanujan in “Partition” at Berkeley’s Indra’s Net Theater.
INDRA’S NET THEATER Heren Patel stars as tortured Indian mathematic­ian Srinivasa Ramanujan in “Partition” at Berkeley’s Indra’s Net Theater.

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