The Mercury News

GOP’s majority in US Senate shrinks

- By Kevin Freking and Kimberly Chandler

Democrat Doug Jones of Alabama was sworn into office Wednesday, shrinking the Senate’s Republican majority and leading lawmakers of both parties to plead for more bipartisan­ship as Congress tackles pressing issues in advance of the 2018 midterm elections.

Vice President Mike Pence administer­ed the Senate’s oath of office to Jones, the first Alabama Democrat elected to the Senate in a quarter century, and to former Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, who was appointed to replace Sen. Al Franken, who resigned amid allegation­s of sexual misconduct.

Two former vice presidents, both Democrats, were there to support the Senate’s newest members as the GOP majority narrowed to 51-49. In future party-line votes, Republican­s cannot afford more than one defection.

Jones was escorted to the Senate chamber by former Vice President Joseph Biden, who had headlined Jones’ campaign kickoff rally. Jones defeated Republican Roy Moore in a special election rocked by allegation­s of sexual misconduct against Moore.

Former Vice President Walter Mondale, along with Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., escorted Smith to the Senate floor. She becomes the 22nd woman currently serving in the Senate, a record.

Mondale recalled that he “went through something like this in the good old days.” In 1964, Mondale was appointed to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy created when Hubert Humphrey was elected vice president.

Democrats voiced hopes that the narrowing of the GOP majority would lead to more collaborat­ion.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Jones will “have big shoes to fill.” McConnell also noted that lawmakers from both parties wanted more “comity, collegiali­ty and bipartisan­ship.”

Jones, 63, represents one of the most conservati­ve states in the nation. He will be under pressure to find some areas of agreement with Republican­s and has cited the funding of infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts as one possible avenue.

“There are a lot of people who didn’t vote for me, and I hope they will keep an open mind because I am going to try to be the best senator I can for the state to try to move the state forward as a whole and not just one particular group or philosophy,” he said.

Jones is taking the seat once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and before that the man Jones considered his mentor, the late Sen. Howell Heflin. Jones worked for Heflin as a staffer after graduating from law school in 1979. Heflin was the last Democrat to represent Alabama in the U.S. Senate.

Smith, 59, served as chief of staff to Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton before becoming his No. 2 when the previous lieutenant governor declined to seek a second term.

Smith is known largely as a liberal Democrat who has maintained connection­s to the state’s politicall­y powerful business community.

Smith called her swearing-in ceremony “invigorati­ng.” She is angling for a spot on the Senate’s Agricultur­e Committee ahead of an expected push for a new farm bill this year and eager to vote to reauthoriz­e the Children’s Health Insurance Program, for which funding lapsed last year.

“It is not anything that I planned for,” said Smith, who is running to maintain the Senate seat in a November special election.

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