The Mercury News

Martin Luther King, Jr. had the answer to ending racism

- By R. A. Matthews The Rev. R.A. Mathews is an attorney, theologian, columnist, and the author of “Reaching to God: Great Truths from the Bible.”

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. knew racism was not simple, but the answer is.

The day was Aug. 28, 1963. It happened at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. — the beautiful, 2-mile strip of land between the United States Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial, a grassy area is at one end and a reflecting pool at the other.

A quarter of a million people had come, arriving by car, bus, train and plane, gathering at 10 a.m. at the center of the mall near the Washington Monument. Photos of the day show the mall bathed in sunlight.

At noon, they divided into two groups and walked about a mile down the streets flanking the reflecting pool. They converged at the Lincoln Memorial.

Most were dressed carefully in their best clothes — men in suits and ties, women in crisp dresses. Despite the hike and temperatur­es reaching 80 degrees, it was important to look dignified. The instructio­ns distribute­d for the day emphasized “proud, but not arrogant” behavior.

The national anthem is listed first on the program beginning at 2 p.m. that afternoon. Celebritie­s were on hand: musical act Peter, Paul and Mary; baseball legend Jackie Robinson; actors Sidney Poitier; Marlon Brando and Paul Newman.

This is the day Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his “I have a dream” speech.

I’ve seen countless photos of that day but only recently noticed the symbols standing on either side of King, each about 10 feet tall.

It took at least four healthy men to place them there — carried past the reflecting pool, then hoisted up 87 steps to the Lincoln Memorial. Why go to such trouble?

It was important to King. He wanted those symbols with him.

What were they? What stood tall and proud on each side of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

The American flag.

And, let me tell you, those flag carriers got off easy. When King marched to Montgomery, Alabama, massive American flags were waving behind him. Carried for miles.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a patriot.

That answers one question. The NFL player who started the flag protest said, “I am not going to stand for a flag for a country that oppresses black people…”

But a bi-racial man told me of racist words against whites from his black peers: “They don’t realize they’re talking about my mom, that she’s white.”

Racism still flows two ways. King’s daughter posted a photo of her father down on one knee in Selma, Alabama. He’s praying, perhaps asking Jesus to heal the prejudice in his country.

No matter how you felt about the man — whether you admired or resented King — his movement was dignified, peaceful and Christ-centered.

It could have gone differentl­y. Malcolm X thought King was submissive, calling the march “a farce on Washington.”

But King prevailed.

I often wonder what racism in America would be like today if he had lived.

Martin Luther King, Jr. knew the answer, and he’d have pointed to a neo-Nazi rally last year in Florida.

Black protestors turned violent when a white racist deliberate­ly walked through their midst. These black Americans yelled and spat at him, even punched him.

But Aaron Courtney, the black son of a bishop, reached out and hugged the racist.

“Why do you hate me?” Courtney asked him, refusing to let go.

The neo-Nazi didn’t know, couldn’t explain his prejudice. But Courtney wouldn’t give up, and finally the white man hugged him back. The crowd cheered.

Jesus said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27).

Martin Luther King, Jr. knew racism was not simple, but the answer is.

Love trumps evil.

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