The Mercury News

Hundreds gather outside building in vigil and protest

- By Clarence Williams

Gillian Beard shivered and cried outside the National Rifle Associatio­n headquarte­rs Friday night, as she stood among strangers and mourned the killing of her best friend, one of the 17 victims gunned down this week at the high school in Parkland, Florida.

The Coral Gables resident had long planned this trip to the Washington area to celebrate her 19th birthday with family on Friday. Instead, she joined about 300 people who gathered outside the NRA building in Fairfax, Virginia., to pay homage to the victims and to demand a change in the influence they said the gun lobby has on Congress and state legislator­s to prevent passage of gun-control measures.

Beard was not a scheduled speaker for the program, but as the pleas for change began and the crowd shouted “Enough! Enough!” the Florida Atlantic University freshman shouted out about the loss of her friend, 17-year-old Nicholas Dworet.

“I am burying my best friend next week . . . . I grew up with him. I flew in last night, crying on the plane,” Beard told the crowd, who huddled along the sidewalk outside the building. “This is my birthday. I can’t even celebrate that I am 19 today. I lost one of my best friends because of something that could have been stopped.”

Some tears were shed; others in the crowd hugged one another. Many carried signs with messages such as “#Enough,” “NRA Buys Congress” and “Shame. Shame.” Others held signs indicating that they thought the NRA could be in some degree to blame for the killings.

Many people, however, do not agree. A Pew study from June showed Americans being about equally divided on the influence of the NRA on gun laws, just as they are on gun rights and regulation­s in general.

However, Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-Va., speaking at the rally, pointed directly at the NRA. “The NRA does have blood on its hands. They kill our children. Children are dead because of you, and that’s a literal truth,” he said.

Connolly said 1.5 million Americans have been killed by guns since the Vietnam era and that now was the time to demand stricter gun-control measures.

Specifical­ly, he told the crowd the need to demand “A, B, C” legislativ­e changes, asserting that A represents an assault weapons ban, B stands for implementi­ng universal background checks for gun purchases and C covers closing gun show loopholes, which critics say allow guns to be sold while circumvent­ing existing checks on buyers.

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