The Mercury News

New homeowners can go drought-tolerant from the start

- By Daphne O’Neal

Whether winter rains are plentiful — or less so, as is the case this season — it’s a good idea to avoid planting a lawn that requires much water in Northern California. As a new homeowner, you are in prime position to get off on the right foot. Rather than having to tear up an existing lawn, you can develop an eco-conscious landscape plan from scratch.

A healthy alternativ­e — for both the ecosystem and your wallet — is to plant drought-tolerant native

ground cover and grasses. Of course, low water doesn’t necessaril­y mean no water.

“Anything that you use is going to require a certain amount of water,” says Peter Veilleux, owner of East Bay Wilds in Oakland. “But it’s huge, huge, huge, the difference between (the water) you use for a regular lawn versus what you use for a native grass or groundcove­r lawn.”

Then again, one of the key attraction­s of a grass lawn is its durability — sometimes known as “stepabilit­y” — especially if you have young children or pets. Happily, there are ground-cover options that can accommodat­e foot traffic.

“Red fescue is one,” offers Veilleux. “It has a nice, thick nap to it. And it’s (great) for dogs and even young children to bounce around on. It’s thick and fluffy.”

Red fescue is a native grass that does well in low-draining, clay-rich soils, which are common in the Bay Area. “It likes to get some water or does turn brown in the summertime,” reports Veilleux. But it does turn to its normal color in time, he says.

Another suggestion is Carex pansa, a kind of sedge that is a common lawn alternativ­e in the area.

Both red fescue and Carex pansa are available in turf form. You may also find them in plugs or in gallons. Veilleux suggests dividing gallons into four to eight pieces and planting them at 1-foot intervals.

He also recommends incorporat­ing a paved path into your landscape plan and then planting native grasses and ground cover on either side of it. A path of steppingst­ones is another alternativ­e.

Other low-water options include Carmel Sur (Arctostaph­ylos edmundsii) manzanita and Ceanothus, also known as California lilac.

“Ceanothus flowers really nicely,” remarks Veilleux. “They are fine in full sun right on the coast or even most of Oakland, but further inland, they need some shade.”

“Hearst Ranch Ceanothus is one of the flat ones,” he continues, “and that flowers beautifull­y. Another one is Centennial. That’s very dense, and it flowers nicely. Each one of these spreads to 5 to 6 feet around. So you don’t need that many of them, and they grow fairly quickly too. They’re very droughttol­erant as well.”

Even the most droughttol­erant plants, he advises, still require regular attention.

“I suggest spraying them off once a month with just enough water to wash the dust off of the leaves. That keeps them looking good and hydrated and (makes them) more fire-resistant.” Most other species, he advises, require irrigation via a drip system once a week or every two weeks.

Weed suppressio­n is a side benefit of planting these eye-catching species.

“The faster they grow and the more ground they cover,” explains Veilleux, “the more they’re going to suppress weeds.”

When you are starting out with a bare lot, how quickly the plants spread can be paramount.

With Ceanothus, states Veilleux, “Within two to three years, you should have excellent cover. Manzanita (species) ... take more time to spread.”

In the meantime, he instructs, “You can mulch heavily between the plantings. Just keep the mulch away from their stems.”

Ground cover and grasses that serve as lawn substitute­s not only save water, and thereby money, but can add color and vertical interest to your lot. Discoverin­g just the right combinatio­n of low-water plants for your home’s exterior can prove a satisfying adventure.

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