The Mercury News

Wish You Were Here


GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK: Gary and Julie Lieber of San Jose celebrated their 44th wedding anniversar­y with a trip to Grand Canyon National

Park and a two-day mule trip from the South Rim of the canyon to the Phantom Ranch on the Colorado River. To get to Phantom Ranch the Lieber’s were part of a group of 10 riders that took the narrow

Bright Angel Trail on a 9.3mile adventure that dropped

4,800 feet from the South Rim to Phantom Ranch, crossing the Colorado river at one of only two bridge crossings within a several hundred mile area. “We were led by veteran

Navajo guides that gave us an insider’s perspectiv­e of the canyon,” Julie said. “Our mules were very calm and encouragin­g with Gary on

‘Mona the Mule’ and myself on

‘Dingus.’ At Phantom Ranch we stayed in a great cottage with a large and comfortabl­e bed. We were a little saddle sore after a day of riding the mules, and were grateful for the soft bed that night. The ride to Phantom Ranch and seeing the canyon up close were a once in a lifetime adventure!”

TRAVEL TIPS: “Phantom Ranch is a popular destinatio­n and accommodat­ions are often sold out the first day they become available (13 months in advance). Beginning in 2019, reservatio­ns will be issued monthly by a lottery system. Mid-September through late October are the best times to visit because the summer crowds are gone, the weather is more temperate, and generally the park is more laid back. “Plan on dressing in layers as a day can begin in the 20s on the canyon rim, but be in the 90s by the time you get to the canyon floor. The canyon rims cool down by sunset and can sometimes be windy. The Grand Canyon rim is at about 7,000 feet, so it is recommende­d that you arrive at least a day in advance and stay at one of the several hotels on the South Rim.”


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