The Mercury News

Bridget, an 18-year-old lioness, suddenly sprouts a majestic mane

- Karin Brulliard

Bridget the lioness was born at the Oklahoma City Zoo in 1999, and she lived a fairly typical zoo lion life for most of her first 18 years. Then she grew a mane.

The mane is more Santa Claus beard than king of the savanna, but her keepers were nonetheles­s puzzled when it began sprouting last March.

“At first, you're kind of like, well, that's a little different,” said Jennifer D'Agostino, the zoo's director of veterinary services. “Then it kind of kept going to the point where it was like, wow, it looks like she's growing a mane. That's not quite right.”

Bridget's behavior had not changed. Her appetite remained healthy. She seemed unbothered by her new look, and her fellow lions, half-sister Tia and a younger male named Hubert, were similarly unfazed. But by November, the mane looked like a thick scarf, and the zoo decided to try to untangle the mystery of this bearded lady.

The likely explanatio­n, D'Agostino said, was testostero­ne — the hormone that makes male lions develop manes at around one year of age. An overproduc­tion of that hormone is also implicated in the lush locks of wild maned lionesses in Botswana's Okavango Delta, but the causes are not clear, lion expert Luke Hunter said in an email. It could be that the sperm of the lionesses' fathers was “slightly aberrant,” causing a disruption of the embryos, or that the lionesses' mothers had abnormally high levels of male sex hormone during pregnancy, he said.

Researcher­s who study the Botswana maned lionesses say they have never become pregnant, which can be a consequenc­e of elevated testostero­ne.

The case of Bridget's mane is different, however. She grew a mane at an age that is not quite elderly but is well beyond middle-aged for a captive lion. D'Agostino said that suggests it is caused by a tumor of some sort, perhaps on her ovaries, adrenal gland or pituitary gland. The first investigat­ive step would be a blood test to compare Bridget's testostero­ne level with that of a mane-free lioness — in this case, with a stored sample from Tia, who also is 18.

That requires a blood sample, and getting a blood sample from a lion is not so easy.

On the rare occasions it's done, blood is drawn under anesthesia, D'Agostino said, but that comes with risks that the zoo did not want to take with a lion of Bridget's age. If the levels suggest a tumor, zoo staff will then try to determine its location.

Treatment could involve hormone supplement­s to suppress the testostero­ne, or surgery as a last resort, D'Agostino said. But that would happen only if Bridget's medical team believes it is necessary or would improve her quality of life, she said.

“If it's not going to affect her health in any way,” D'Agostino said, “the fact that she has a little bit of a mane is not that big a deal.”

 ?? OKLAHOMA CITY ZOO ?? Bridget, an Oklahoma City Zoo lioness, before growing a mane, left, and with her newly grown mane.
OKLAHOMA CITY ZOO Bridget, an Oklahoma City Zoo lioness, before growing a mane, left, and with her newly grown mane.

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