The Mercury News

‘Bridges, not walls:’ Brown invites Trump to visit rail site

- By Erin Baldassari ebaldassar­i@bayareanew­

SACRAMENTO >> In more backand-forth between White House Republican­s and California policy makers, Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday formally invited the president to visit high speed rail constructi­on in the Central Valley, saying the state is more interested in building “bridges, not walls.”

The invitation comes as President Trump prepares to make his first visit to California on Tuesday, when he is expected to view prototypes of the proposed border wall in San Diego. And, it comes amid escalating vitriol aimed at California from the Trump administra­tion, which last week filed a lawsuit in federal district court claiming the state’s sanctuary protection­s preempted federal immigratio­n law.

“After you’ve examined your wall prototypes on the border, I invite you to head north to the Central Valley — the heart of California,” Brown said in the letter. “You see, in California we are focusing on bridges, not walls. And that’s more than just a figure of speech.”

A spokespers­on for the White House did not answer questions about whether the president would accept the invitation.

To several political pundits, the letter was nothing more than a piece of political theater and a continuati­on of the “pissing match” between California policy makers and Republican­s, which began long before Trump took office.

“It’s all Kabuki, and it’s bad Kabuki at that,” said Bill Whalen, a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institute, adding that if Brown really wanted to

sit down with Trump, he could have met him on the tarmac in San Diego.

But, it’s a strategy that isn’t likely to end soon, said Jack Pitney, a politics professor at Claremont McKenna College.

“For California, Donald Trump is a bottomless cup of vile,” Pitney said. “And as long as Trump is president, he’s going to be going after California.”

That could have disastrous consequenc­es for California’s high- speed rail project, which is already four years behind schedule as costs for the massive infrastruc­ture project continue to balloon. On Friday, California High Speed Rail CEO Brian Kelly told reporters the project needs federal funding to make it down to Southern California, as promised to voters in 2008.

Golden State residents might as well wait for a Democratic president to take office, Pitney said.

But, there are also consequenc­es for Republican­s. With Democrats rallying to fight what they see as a rollback of progressiv­e policies, re- energizing their base will undoubtedl­y hurt Republican­s in the mid- term elections in November, Whalen said. But it could backfire for Democrats during the next presidenti­al election in the same way former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom’s support of same- sex marriages hurt Democrats in the 2004 presidenti­al election, he said.

In the long-run, advocates of same- sex marriage won, Whalen said, but not before opponents elected George W. Bush to the White House, twice.

“This may be a problem for Democrats in states other than California in 2020, where Trump will portray what California is doing as in effect protecting criminals,” Whalen said. “And then, maybe by 2024 or 2028, the country might find themselves more comfortabl­e with sanctuary policies.”

But in the short- term, at least, Democrats seem to be doubling down on their attacks against the president. State Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, called Trump’s first visit to California, only to see prototype border walls, “shameless” and called on state Democrats to “ramp up the pressure.”

“California leads the country in job creation, innovation, environmen­tal protection and gun control,” Lara said. “Have ( Trump) fix his own house before throwing stones.”

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