The Mercury News

Caravan arrives: No room at border

Refugees seeking asylum told San Diego crossing is at capacity; group was demonized by Trump

- By Elliot Spagat

SAN DIEGO >> A group of Central Americans who journeyed in a caravan to the U.S. border resolved to turn themselves in and ask for asylum Sunday in a direct challenge to the Trump administra­tion — only to have U.S. immigratio­n officials announce that the San Diego crossing was already at capacity.

President Donald Trump has made the caravan a symbol of a porous border and lax immigratio­n laws. He has used it as justificat­ion to deploy National Guard troops, and his comments about it have further strained U.S. relations with Mexico. And yet, many of these migrants are likely to eventually enter the United States, at least temporaril­y, as the law allows, so that their claims of fear and persecutio­n in their home countries can be heard before a court.

Shortly before the migrants were expected to arrive, U.S. Customs and Border Protection

said San Diego’s San Ysidro crossing would not immediatel­y be able to handle more asylum seekers. It can hold about 300 people at a time, and officials had been warning that it might fill up.

“At this time, we have reached capacity at the San Ysidro port of entry for CBP officers to be able to bring additional persons traveling without appropriat­e entry documentat­ion into the port of entry for processing,” Commission­er Kevin McAleenan said in a statement. “Those individual­s may need to wait in Mexico as CBP officers work to process those already within our facilities.”

He said the crossing could take in additional people as space and resources become available. Despite the news, about 200 migrants still started walking toward the port.

At a last gathering here on Sunday afternoon before walking to the port of entry, caravan organizers and migrant advocates called on the Trump administra­tion to treat these people humanely and according

to the law. Those who weren’t processed by U.S. authoritie­s would wait and could use the time in Tijuana to gather evidence to support their asylum claims, said Irineo Mujica, the director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a migrant rights group that organized the caravan.

“We hope the United States will take them in,” Mujica said. “If not, we’ve already waited through a month of torture with Donald Trump. I think we can wait a couple more.”

Rodulfo Figueroa, the top Mexican immigratio­n official in Baja California state, told caravan organizers to send in an initial group of 20 migrants to see if U.S. border inspectors would entertain their request for asylum.

Figueroa said he doesn’t know if they would be allowed in and had not received word from U.S. immigratio­n officials.

Nicole Ramos, an attorney working on behalf of caravan members, expressed disbelief that U.S. authoritie­s cannot process more asylum seekers until its backlog eases.

“They have been well aware that a caravan is going to arrive at the border,” she said at a news conference.

“The failure to prepare and failure to get sufficient agents and resources is not the fault of the most vulnerable among us. We can build a base in Iraq in under a week. We can’t process 200 refugees. I don’t believe it.”

The migrants had made their way north by foot, freight train and bus over the past month, many of them saying they feared for their lives in their home countries.

The Trump Administra­tion has been tracking the caravan since it started in Mexico on March 25 near the Guatemala border. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has called the caravan “a deliberate attempt to undermine our laws and overwhelm our system.”

Administra­tion officials have railed against what they call America’s “catch and release” policies that allow people requesting asylum to be released from custody into the U.S. while their claims make their way through the courts, a process that can last a year.

Wendi Yaneri Garcia said she is confident she will be released while her asylum case is pending because she is traveling alone with

her 2-year-old son, who has been sick.

“All I want is a place where I can work and raise my son,” the 36-year-old said.

She said that police in her hometown of Atlantida, Honduras, jailed her for protesting constructi­on of a hydroelect­ric plant and that she received death threats after being released.

Nefi Hernandez, 24, said a gang in his hometown of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, threatened to kill him and his family if he did not sell drugs. He intended to seek asylum with his wife and baby daughter, who was born on the journey through Mexico.

Jose Cazares, 31, said he faced death threats in the

Honduran city of Yoro because a gang member suspected of killing the mother of his children learned one of his sons reported the crime to police.

Earlier Sunday, the migrants boarded five old school buses to attend a rally at a Pacific Ocean beach, with supporters gathering on both sides of the border fence and some climbing the barrier to sit or to wave signs.

The travelers face an uncertain future if they ask for asylum. U.S. immigratio­n lawyers warned them that they face possible separation from their children and detention for many months.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said asylum claims will be resolved “efficientl­y and expeditiou­sly.” But she warned that any asylum seekers making false claims could be prosecuted, as could anyone who assists the migrants in doing so.

Administra­tion officials and their allies claim that asylum fraud is growing and that many who seek it are coached on how to do so.

Asylum seekers are typically held for up to three days at the border and then turned over to U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t. If they pass an asylum officer’s initial screening, they may be detained or released into the U.S. with ankle monitors.

Maria de Los Angeles, 17, said she felt confident after speaking with an attorney that U.S. authoritie­s would release her while her case moves through the courts because she was traveling alone with her 1-year-old son. She hoped to move in with a sister in San Francisco.

“I’m fired up to go because I believe in God and I believe everything will work out,” she said.

She said she fled her home in Jutiapa, Honduras, because the father of her son threatened to kill her and their child.

 ?? DAVID MCNEW — GETTY IMAGES ?? Members of a caravan of Central Americans who spent weeks traveling across Mexico walk from Tijuana, Mexico, to the U.S. side of the border to ask authoritie­s for asylum.
DAVID MCNEW — GETTY IMAGES Members of a caravan of Central Americans who spent weeks traveling across Mexico walk from Tijuana, Mexico, to the U.S. side of the border to ask authoritie­s for asylum.
 ?? BILL WECHTER — GETTY IMAGES ?? Pro-migrant caravan demonstrat­ors rally on the United States side of the U.S.-Mexico border.
BILL WECHTER — GETTY IMAGES Pro-migrant caravan demonstrat­ors rally on the United States side of the U.S.-Mexico border.

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