The Mercury News


Half Moon Bay debates the future of family farms — let them grow marijuana, or let them fall to Big Agricultur­e?

- By Lisa M. Krieger lkrieger@bayareanew­

HALF MOON BAY >> For generation­s, famed grower “Farmer John” Muller has delighted residents of this small town, donating his time, tales and truckloads of orange, white, green, red and butter-hued gourds.

But in an era of Big Agricultur­e, pumpkins and produce don’t pay the bills anymore.

And his next crop — baby cannabis plants — is carving a rift through the community like a slice into a jacko’-lantern.

“We’re saying ‘no’ to marijuana,” said local resident Joaquin Jimenez,

who has joined the town’s Catholic church and a committee of high school parents in fierce opposition to the plan. “We’re very proud of our community and we don’t want to put any dark cloud over it.”

On June 5, the city will debate an ordinance to allow farmers to grow legal marijuana sprouts in “nurseries” in existing greenhouse­s. Locals are currently circulatin­g a new petition that calls for a moratorium on all cannabis cultivatio­n and sales, and several ballot measures are headed to November’s election.

Both supporters and opponents seek to preserve the agricultur­al small-town atmosphere of their cherished

town — but see different paths forward.

The 72-year-old Muller, known as “Farmer John,” doesn’t want the psychoacti­ve stuff on his property, Daylight Farms. Rather, he envisions renting out his dilapidate­d greenhouse­s as a place for the baby cannabis “starters.” The young plants would be sold to dispensari­es around the Bay Area for others to raise to maturity.

It’s a seeming contradict­ion for Muller, a former mayor, City Council member and longtime chair of the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board, who has never touched marijuana and voted against Propo-

sition 64, which legalized cannabis in California.

A third-generation farmer who was born on a San Gregorio dairy farm, he attended a one-room schoolhous­e and fought in the Gulf of Tonkin during the Vietnam War. He’s a straight-laced Republican and graduate of the FBI Citizens Academy who advised the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e under the Reagan and Bush administra­tions.

“We were opposed to the hippie world,” he said. Rather than smoking joints, “I’d have half a beer at a party out in the barn.”

As mayor, he guided the city through its worst crisis, when it faced an $18 million debt that threatened to bankrupt the community in 2009. His wife, Eda, was the first female president of the San Mateo County Farm Bureau. Over the decades, the family has hosted special events for disabled children and greeted tourists from around the world.

These days, rising at 5 a.m. to tend to his chickens, his idea of a wild time is a glass of Maker’s Mark bourbon whiskey.

The bills mount

But there are mounting bills. A full-time caregiver is needed for his inlaws, ages 90 and 95, which costs thousands of dollars a month. Facing such expense, the family finances are withering like a dry field in August.

With only 18 acres, he can’t compete with Big Ag, he said. The family’s flower business fell victim to globalizat­ion. He sells arugula, herbs and $10-a-dozen eggs at the local farmers market.

His pumpkins — such as a 1,200-pound Atlantic Giant named Methuselah — have earned accolades. But that’s not enough to stay financiall­y afloat or fix his three greenhouse­s, rusted and drafty with broken panes.

“I wish I could survive 12 months on two months of pumpkins,” he said. “Our ancestors all came to this country as peddlers and then it changed into the larger-scale agricultur­e. Then all of a sudden we’re peddlers again.”

There’s a scratch that needs fixing on the family Buick, “but we don’t have the money to do those things anymore,” he said. “We have health care and food and a roof over our head. The bathroom floor is peeling. But we’re not going to fix it.”

Father-in-law Al Adreveno, 94, who served on the City Council for three terms and was mayor four times, leaned on a cane and described changing times. “It’s gotten to the point where it’s very difficult for the family farm to compete with the corporate farms.”

‘Not about us’

“This is not about us; it is about California agricultur­e with the possibilit­y of a new crop that can grow in our area, just like other crops,” said Muller’s wife, Eda. “All farmers are looking for something they can grow to keep them in agricultur­e. We still want to farm; just something that is productive for all.”

“If this does not work out, we will be forced to sell; move away from our town and our home and way of life,” she said.

This is the plan, conceived by local resident Eric Hollister: The nursery, regulated by the California Department of Food and Agricultur­e, would grow plants between germinatio­n and flowering. The small plants, in 1-gallon pots, would be sold to clients within 10 days to three weeks. The greenhouse­s are isolated, located at the end of a long private road.

Hollister and his team would lease the greenhouse­s, bringing fresh energy, ideas and funding to the farm, the family says. Hollister, the Palo Altoborn son of a Stanford-educated Lockheed engineer, must line up $6 million in potential investors to tear down and replace Muller’s greenhouse­s and get the business off the ground. The team would hire up to 25 workers, and would pay for health insurance and higher wages than what is earned in the fields, he said.

It’s an approach adopted by Redwood City, Berkeley and other cities that want cannabis revenue but not large-scale crop production.

Outside of town, San Mateo County’s Board of Supervisor­s has agreed to allow commercial marijuana cultivatio­n in greenhouse­s in the unincorpor­ated areas of the coast, such as Pescadero, Montara, El Granada, Princeton and areas along State Route 92.

But weed is facing a far cooler reception here in the “World Pumpkin Capital.” Although 69 percent of residents voted for Prop. 64, there is opposition to bringing it into their town. Four farms with greenhouse­s in the city would be eligible for cultivatio­n under the draft ordinance stalled in Half Moon Bay.

Their fear: Nurseries could lead to expansion of large-scale operations — bringing out-of-town workers, perhaps criminals, to the quaint and isolated coast. Today, nurseries; tomorrow, something far more insidious.

“We like pumpkins. We like Brussels sprouts. We like artichokes. You know, we grow beautiful flowers here in Half Moon Bay,” said Jimenez.

Nearly one-third of Half Moon Bay’s population is Latino — and there’s a cultural disdain for marijuaner­os, tokers who are seen as linked to cartels and unproducti­ve members of the community. Polls also show that Latinos tend to support law-and-order issues and are socially conservati­ve.

Cultivatin­g young minds

Additional­ly, the town’s Latinos fear a raid on farmworker­s of a crop that’s still illegal under federal law. And they fear their youth would be lured to cannabis work.

“We’re more interested in cultivatin­g young minds, not cultivatin­g marijuana,” said Jimenez, 31, the college-educated son of a Mexican migrant worker. “We want to educate our kids, have them get a better future. And marijuana is not the future for them.”

Some of the deepest opposition comes from Our Lady of the Pillar Catholic Church, founded 150 years ago when Half Moon Bay was called Spanish Town. It’s the largest parish in San Mateo County, with a devout following.

“The Catholic church does not want to see farm workers exploited,” said congregant and retired attorney Ann Martin. “We see

it as opening the door to increased criminal activity. … We feel that this is an attempt by the marijuana industry to merely get a foot in the door.”

A public hearing about nurseries will be held on June 5. Meanwhile, a petition drafted by Rick Southern, a parent on Half Moon Bay High School’s Health and Wellness Committee, seeks to suspend all commercial cultivatio­n, processing and sale of cannabis for two to three years until more research can be done. He wants the city to assess the experience­s of other places that are adding cannabis businesses to their economy.

“This is not like over the hill, in Silicon Valley. … We’re a small and very multigener­ational town,” said Southern. “I’m very concerned about changing the environmen­t. Once you approve one stage, then everybody’s pushing for the next stage, which is retail sales. There’s so much money in it.”

Muller sees it differentl­y. As he loaded his truck for the weekly farmer’s market, he fretted over the rising cost of chicken feed and his falling earnings from fresh mint.

“How long can we hold onto these conditions we’re living in?” he said. “I don’t know if I can keep doing it year after year.

“Cannabis is just another plant.”

 ?? PHOTOS BY KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Struggling to survive on pumpkins and produce, longtime family farmer and coastal icon “Farmer John” Muller, 72, hopes to grow marijuana, a new and more economical­ly sustainabl­e crop, at his farm in Half Moon Bay.
PHOTOS BY KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER Struggling to survive on pumpkins and produce, longtime family farmer and coastal icon “Farmer John” Muller, 72, hopes to grow marijuana, a new and more economical­ly sustainabl­e crop, at his farm in Half Moon Bay.
 ??  ?? Joaquin Jimenez overlooks an agricultur­al field. Jimenez represents members of the Hispanic community opposed to the cultivatio­n of marijuana.
Joaquin Jimenez overlooks an agricultur­al field. Jimenez represents members of the Hispanic community opposed to the cultivatio­n of marijuana.
 ??  ?? “Farmer John” Muller holds a small marijuana plant at “Daylight Farms”.
“Farmer John” Muller holds a small marijuana plant at “Daylight Farms”.
 ??  ?? Eric Hollister holds his daughter, Libby, in a greenhouse at Daylight Farms in Half Moon Bay, where he hopes to start a commercial marijuana farm.
Eric Hollister holds his daughter, Libby, in a greenhouse at Daylight Farms in Half Moon Bay, where he hopes to start a commercial marijuana farm.
 ?? PHOTOS BY KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Struggling to survive on pumpkins, produce and chicken eggs, longtime family farmer and coastal icon “Farmer John” Muller, 72, hopes to grow marijuana at his farm.
PHOTOS BY KARL MONDON — STAFF PHOTOGRAPH­ER Struggling to survive on pumpkins, produce and chicken eggs, longtime family farmer and coastal icon “Farmer John” Muller, 72, hopes to grow marijuana at his farm.

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