The Mercury News

Independen­ts outnumber GOP in blue California

Voters increasing­ly shun major parties in favor of having no affiliatio­n

- By John Woolfolk jwoolfolk@bayareanew­

“Republican” has slipped to the third-most popular party affiliatio­n — after no party at all — in Democrat-dominated California, marking a troubling milestone for the GOP in the nation’s most populous state that a generation ago was home to the Reagan Revolution.

Political Data Inc., which compiles figures from county election offices, reported this week that 4.84 million of California’s 19 million voters declared they had no party preference while 4.77 million had registered as Republican at the close of registrati­on for the June 5 primary. Democratic party registrati­on ticked up to 8.44 million, while voters regis-

tering with other parties totaled just under 1 million.

“The fact is, no party preference has been growing as a share for the electorate for the past many years,” said Political Data Vice President Paul Mitchell.

Like many who are shunning party registrati­on, Ben Johnson, 56, of Berkeley feels that both Democrats and Republican­s are too beholden to special-interest groups that bankroll their campaigns rather than the needs of regular voters. He was happy to hear unaffiliat­ed voters like himself are gaining ground.

“Both Democrats and Republican­s are puppets of corporatio­ns,” Johnson said. “We’ve got to overthrow all of them.”

The California Secretary of State’s office will release its official numbers Friday, and spokesman Sam Mahood said he would reserve comment until then.

Matt Fleming, communicat­ions director for the California Republican Party, said the milestone “isn’t surprising.” But he said the rise of no-party registrati­on “suggests that voters are fed up with the status quo in California, which, by any objective measure, is Democrat control of Sacramento.”

“Voters have been becoming more and more independen­t for years,” Fleming said. “But no party preference doesn’t mean voters are becoming Democrats, and we will continue to reach out to all voters.”

The California Democratic Party had no comment. Democratic registrati­on went up by nearly 400,000 voters since 2016, but slipped in percentage of overall voters.

California, Mitchell noted, is not the first state in which voters choosing no party affiliatio­n have overtaken Republican­s, though national comparison­s are tricky because many states don’t register voters by party. Unaffiliat­ed voters overtook Republican­s in North Carolina last September.

Mitchell added that registrati­on numbers don’t necessaril­y translate to results at the polls. Republican Donald Trump won North Carolina in the November 2016 presidenti­al election while California went for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The growth in no-party registrati­on trend hasn’t all come at the expense of Republican­s, Mitchell said. Many of the young voters claiming no party affiliatio­n seem politicall­y progressiv­e, but haven’t aligned with the Democrats, he said.

Still, the milestone is remarkable for the Grand Old Party in California where Ronald Reagan’s Republican conservati­sm — cutting taxes and regulation, boosting military and police — won him two terms in the governor’s mansion from 1967 to 1975 and two in the White House from 1981 to 1989.

The last Republican presidenti­al candidate to win California was George H.W. Bush, Reagan’s vice president, in 1988. Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzene­gger was among the last Republican­s to win statewide office in California with his 2006 re-election.

Schwarzene­gger, first elected with the 2003 recall of former Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat whose polls fell following an unpopular vehicle license fee and rolling blackouts in the state’s newly deregulate­d electricit­y market, has criticized his party as out of step with California voters.

“Today we are the Titanic, after it hit the iceberg, but before the last bit of the ship submerged,” Schwarzene­gger, who has supported Democratic environmen­tal initiative­s, said in March. “But unlike the Titanic, we might be able to save Leonardo DiCaprio before he goes under.”

Hoover Institutio­n research fellow Bill Whalen said the GOP’s Golden State woes stem from an identity crisis. The national party platform is well to the right on issues like environmen­tal regulation, immigratio­n enforcemen­t and gay rights for many California­ns who otherwise identify with its fiscal conservati­sm, support for law enforcemen­t and a strong national defense.

“What have Republican­s done in the last 20 years to alienate voters? The answer lies not so much in what California Republican­s have done, but the national party writ large,” Whalen said. “Schwarzene­gger did not govern as a conservati­ve Republican.”

Some prominent California Republican­s — including Steve Poizner — have since dropped the GOP for no party affiliatio­n. Poizner, the former Silicon Valley tech executive and former state insurance commission­er, is along with Schwarzene­gger the last to win statewide office as a Republican.

But Poizner, who lost a 2010 Republican primary for governor to former eBay CEO Meg Whitman, voted for Libertaria­n Gary Johnson for president instead of Trump in 2016. Earlier this year, Poizner changed his registrati­on to no party preference as he attempts a return to his old insurance commission­er post, and said he regretted his 2010 campaign in which he called for cracking down on illegal immigrants for its “divisive tone.”

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