The Mercury News

Terminally ill thank GOP for the Right to Try experiment­al drugs

- By Marc A. Thiessen Marc Thiessen writes for The Washington Post.

WASHINGTON >> Imagine the horror of learning you have a terminal illness, and then learning a promising new treatment exists that could save your life — but you can’t get access to it thanks to government­al obstacles.

That nightmare befell Andrea Sloan. In 2007, Sloan was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and for more than six years tried every Food and Drug Administra­tion-approved treatment for her disease. All failed. With Sloan’s health rapidly deteriorat­ing, her doctor at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston told her she had one last hope: a new drug that inhibits DNA repair in cancer cells, which had shown great promise in clinical trials with patients that had her specific genetic mutation.

But while the drug had passed safety trials, it was not yet approved by the FDA. She would have to seek “compassion­ate use.” After months of lobbying (and being turned down by one manufactur­er), she finally convinced another to grant her access. She was ready to begin treatment, but before she could obtain the drug, she had to beg the FDA for approval. Her doctor was forced to spend around 100 hours filling out FDA paperwork (a requiremen­t that has since been streamline­d, thanks to public pressure). Then, the FDA took 24 days to review the applicatio­n.

As Sloan waited, her health deteriorat­ed. In an interview for the book “The Right to Try: How the Federal Government Prevents Americans from Getting the Lifesaving Treatments They Need,” which I co-wrote, Sloan’s best friend Michelle Wittenberg told me about Sloan’s anguish as she waited. When the FDA finally relented, the drug worked. Scans showed it beating back her cancer. But it was too late. She died.

Wittenberg formed “Andi’s Army” to lobby the Texas state Legislatur­e to pass a “Right to Try” law that would grant those in Texas with terminal illnesses (and who have exhausted all FDA-approved treatments) access to investigat­ional drugs — so long as they have been proven safe in clinical trials, are part of the FDA’s ongoing evaluation process, and the company developing the medication is willing to make it available. In 2015, Gov. Greg Abbott signed the “Andrea Sloan Right to Try Act” into law.

Today, 40 states have passed similar laws. And on Wednesday, President Trump signed a national Right to Try Act into law.

In the states, Right to Try passed without a single dissenting vote. The issue brought together politician­s who never worked together on any other issue.

But, sadly, this spirit of bipartisan­ship did not translate to Washington. Only 22 House Democrats voted for the final bill that Trump signed. In August, a version introduced by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., passed the Senate by unanimous consent, but stalled in the House, which eventually passed a more limited bill from Rep. Greg Walden, ROre. Last week, Senate Republican­s tried to accommodat­e Democratic objections by bringing up the Walden bill for a vote, but Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer blocked it from coming to the floor. So the House passed the Johnson version, with Democrats nearly united in opposition.

In other words, Democrats in Washington managed to take an issue that unified thousands of legislator­s from both parties in 40 states, and turned it into a divisive, party-line vote. Thanks to Trump, Americans facing terminal diagnoses will now have a new chance at life. How tragic — and pathetic — that Democrats refused to join him in making that happen.

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