The Mercury News

Girlfriend’s night out haunts BF

- Ask Amy — Weirded Out — Flummoxed Former Friend Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­

DEAR AMY » A couple of months ago, my girlfriend went out with some mutual friends while I stayed home to deal with a personal issue. It was unusual for her to go out on her own, since we do most things together, but we discussed it and I got over any issues I had with the fact that she went out without me.

Recently, I found out that she, along with the rest of the group, was drunk that night. The thing is she doesn’t usually get drunk. Like, zero times in the last 18 months.

I’m weirded out about this. I understand that it’s normal to be independen­t, and I fully support that, but I just think it’s a bit odd to doing something out of character when the “BF” isn’t present. DEAR WEIRDED OUT » Routinely getting drunk might be a dangerous habit, but your girlfriend is not a big drinker normally, and from your letter it sounds like no one else has expressed concern about her drinking habits. What concerns me more is your attitude.

Despite your insistence, you are obviously NOT OK with the fact that she went out without you and had a good time, and now you are trying to manipulate her into feeling bad after the fact.

You and your girlfriend should reframe your co-dependent relationsh­ip. You should consider setting some time aside each week to go out on your own. Your girlfriend should do this too; you each need to develop your own independen­t, supportive social circle.

DEAR AMY » Years ago, I worked at an agency where I met a woman who became a good friend. We’ve served as job references for each other over the years. A few months ago, she gave me permission to use her as a reference again.

I didn’t know at the time that she was having a painful dental issue, but when I found out, I left her a voicemail saying to take care of herself and to forget about writing the reference. Too late. She emailed me the reference she wrote. The next day, she sent me a self-critical missive, stating that she blamed herself if her terrible reference cost me the job.

She followed this up with a defaming litany of wrongs that I had supposedly done to her over the past 10 years. She confessed that she had never spoken what was really on her mind, or had been her true self with me.

I was flummoxed. I don’t feel any guilt, or the need to defend myself, because I know that I have not wronged her.

I need another perspectiv­e, can you help? DEAR FLUMMOXED » This erratic behavior might have nothing to do with you; painful dental problems can derail the coolest of customers. Could this possibly be a result of medication?

Receiving an email saying she’s never been herself around you should make you rethink this relationsh­ip. I suggest responding with a simple: “Are you OK?” Otherwise, don’t engage her in a conversati­on about your faults and failings. She owes you an apology, and you should not have to solicit it.

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