The Mercury News

‘Jurassic World’ sequel is fun, but how long can this franchise survive?

But the franchise needs to come up with new tricks and storylines

- By Lindsey Bahr

Here’s the good news: “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” is more fun than “Jurassic World.” It’s not exactly a high bar, but still a welcome surprise.

In the hands of a new director, J.A. Bayona, with Chris Pratt’s high-wattage charisma on full blast and a fair amount of self-aware humor intact, there are certainly worse ways to spend a couple hours in the air-conditione­d multiplex this summer.

Mind you, this movie is pretty ridiculous and the script (from Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly) is not very clever. I found myself rolling my eyes almost as frequently as I found myself smiling with genuine delight.

“Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” will not stand up to rigorous scrutiny, and yet, it’s kind of an enjoyable, prepostero­us and thrilling ride that ticks through nostalgia beats like a shopping list.

It’s a little sad how in this era of industrial franchise filmmaking a threeyear gap between films actually feels like quite a bit of time; or maybe it’s just a testament to how grueling the past few years have been. But, hey, it did at least seem like the right time to check in with those dinosaurs again, although I worry that our emotional investment in the connection between Owen (Pratt) and a velocirapt­or has been vastly


After a very solid, and scary, beginning, with pouring rain and genuine suspense as some scientists venture back into the defunct Jurassic World to retrieve a dinosaur bone, a helpful newscaster orients the audience with a whole lot of exposition: It’s been three years since Jurassic World closed; $800 million in damages have been paid out; and, most importantl­y, a dormant volcano has come back to life on the island and is about to cause an “extinction level event” that will wipe out all the remaining dinosaurs.

The question of whether or not to let the dinos go extinct

again has become a national debate and Bryce Dallas Howard’s Claire is leading the charge to try to save the animals. As a not-sosubtle nod to that other national debate about Claire’s choice of footwear in “Jurassic World,” our first shot of her is her feet in sky-high heels. (The hiking boots she wears later for all the action get their own loving closeup too.)

Essentiall­y, and this is where the contrivanc­es start, a wealthy, dying man, Benjamin Lockwood (James Cromwell), who is somehow connected to John Hammond, and his associate Eli Mills (Rafe Spall) pitch Claire on an expedition to stage their own Noah’s Ark with the dinos and transport as many species as possible to a sanctuary island. They need her to tap into the park’s security system, and also to convince Owen to come along and get close to the raptor Blue, his old pal who has become so anthropomo­rphized it’s actually surprising she doesn’t just start talking.

There are some more new characters: A skittish computer guy, Franklin (Justice Smith), and a doctor,

Zia (Daniella Pineda), who come along on the journey for some comedic relief; a mercenary military guy (Ted Levine); and a cute dino obsessed girl, Maisie Lockwood (Isabella Sermon).

Perhaps the most unexpected thing about “Fallen Kingdom” is that the “escape from the volcano” plot is just the first set piece. It’s all a precursor to the dinos coming to the mainland.

If you’re thinking, “I’ve seen this movie before,” just wait, it get so much more derivative than you would ever imagine possible. Bayona, who also directed “The Impossible” and “A Monster Calls,” is good enough to pull it off. It’s the main reason why “Fallen Kingdom” is entertaini­ng despite itself, but it is a shameless strategy that can only work so many times. Also, can we retire the “objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” joke at this point?

Life finds a way, and so do franchises that make ungodly amounts of money. “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” gets away with its unoriginal­ity for the most part, but this franchise’s desperatio­n is starting to show. It’s time to evolve or go extinct.

 ?? UNIVERSAL ?? Owen (Chris Pratt) reconnects with velocirapt­or pal Blue in “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.”
UNIVERSAL Owen (Chris Pratt) reconnects with velocirapt­or pal Blue in “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.”

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