The Mercury News

Signs it is time for new windows


Although homeowners can typically get many years out of their homes’ windows, ultimately windows will need to be replaced. Homes that are more than 20 years old and still have their original windows could be due for an upgrade. Aluminum- or wood-framed windows also may be ripe for changing. Here are some signs that it’s time to replace windows, courtesy of Good Housekeepi­ng, Centra¨ and the real estate website Redfin.

• Drafty feel in the home: Window frames can begin to shrink as they age, allowing air to flow from the outdoors in and vice versa. Homeowners may notice drafts when standing near windows or hear whistling on notably windy days.

• Rising energy bills: If energy bills are inexplicab­ly on the rise, then old windows could be to blame. Aging,

drafty windows can make it necessary to run HVAC systems more often and at higher or lower temperatur­es in order to keep homes comfortabl­e. • Windows are difficult to open or close: Homeowners may get used to the quirks of their windows, but those that are difficult to open or close may require replacemen­t. In addition, if windows need to be propped open, it’s time to replace them.

• Water infiltrati­on: Warping or decaying window frames can make it easy for rain or snow to get into the home. Wood frames are particular­ly prone to moisture decay. If frames are warping or allowing water into the home, it’s time for an upgrade.

• Condensati­on on windows: Fog or condensati­on buildup on windows can occur if the seal between panes is broken. In this instance, replacemen­t windows are necessary.

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