The Mercury News

Super quiz



(e.g., Character known as “The Man of Steel.” Answer: Superman.)

Freshman level

1. What was nicknamed “The Stars and Bars”?

2. In this film Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon dress as women.

3. What are the next three words? “Summertime, and the living is easy.”

Graduate level

4. Stars who began on this record label include Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash.

5. Which character did Jackie Gleason portray on “The Honeymoone­rs”?

6. Who was the first president of independen­t Vietnam?

Ph.D. level

7. What was the psychotic persona of mass murderer David Berkowitz?

8. This parliament­ary procedure book was written by Henry Martyn Robert.

9. This cattle breed was the most common in Texas during the great trail drives.


1. The Confederat­e battle flag.

2. “Some Like It Hot.”

3. Fish are jumping.

4. Sun Records.

5. Ralph Kramden.

6. Ho Chi Minh.

7. “Son of Sam.”

8. “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

9. (Texas) Longhorns.

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