The Mercury News

Letters to the editor

- Letters of up to 150words should be submitted online at www.mercurynew­ Submission­s should be 600 words and include a tagline and daytime contact informatio­n. Email submission­s to opinion@bayareanew­ No attachment­s please.

Chu should fix problems, not daylight saving time

Assemblyma­n Kansen Chu, D-San Jose, who has a problem with setting his clocks back one hour, believes that it is such a significan­t problem that he devotes time to try to influence California­ns to a single time year-round.

Wouldn’t his time be better spent on legislatio­n to fix the massive pension issues in the state or the $4 billion in fraud and abuse of the MediCal agency as reported by the state audit board or perhaps the thousands of voter registrati­ons done in error by the DMV?

— Charles Shoemaker,


Trump did the right thing to fire Sessions

Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself while the Robert Mueller probe has gone on almost two years, with no proof of collusion with the Russians by President Trump anywhere to be found or any serious indictment­s implicatin­g him.

It’s time someone wrap up this waste of time and taxpayers’ money. So, I think Trump did the right thing to fire Sessions, since he’s become a lapdog to indulge the whims of HAVE YOUR SAY Letters to the editor: Commentari­es: Sen. Chuck Schumer and the agendas of other Democrats.

— Bill Graham, Salinas

Trump’s treatment of CNN reporter deplorable

President Trump’s verbal assault of CNN’s Jim Acosta is a deplorable insult of the entire White House press pool.

I implore the entire press to boycott this president and his administra­tion. Let the Trump White House just have the lone Fox News reporter reminiscen­t of state-run media outlets in authoritar­ian countries. The press at large cannot ignore, condone or forgive this kind of tyrannical behavior.

— Rameysh Ramdas, San Jose

Fly flags at half-staff for American carnage

“Thoughts and prayers” once again. Most recently, two good guys with guns killed along with 10 others.

I suggest that until “this American carnage” that was supposed to stop Jan. 21, 2017, actually does stop, we should fly flags at half-staff every day.

— George Licina, Campbell

U.S. stands by Yemen on its obscene civil war

For about 3 1/2 years now, the United States has continued to stand on the side of the oppressor and supply the Yemeni government with weapons and war support.

Photos of horrifying­ly thin and battered Yemeni children have become normalized in the world, and I rarely hear about the obscene human rights violations happening in Yemen in the American media. There is no question that the United States has once again sided with dictators.

Despite any external motivators for continuing to supply Yemen with tools for violence, our government is still enabling further abuse against innocent citizens by pursuing its selfish interests in this way. As Desmond Tutu famously put it, even “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

— Michaela Nee, San Francisco

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