The Mercury News

Scale of Russian influence revealed

Senate report on Moscow’s campaign shows almost all major social media involved

- By Craig Timberg and Tony Romm

WASHINGTON >> A report prepared for the Senate that provides the most sweeping analysis yet of Russia’s disinforma­tion campaign around the 2016 election found the operation used every major social media platform to deliver words, images and videos tailored to voters’ interests to help elect President Donald Trump — and worked even harder to support him while in office.

The report, a draft of which was obtained by The Washington Post, is the first to study the millions of posts provided by major technology firms to the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, led by Sens. Richard Burr, RN.C., its chairman, and Mark Warner of Virginia, its ranking Democrat. The bipartisan panel hasn’t said if it endorses the findings. It plans to release it publicly along with another study this week.

The research — by Oxford University’s Computatio­nal Propaganda Project and Graphika, a network analysis firm — offers new details on how Russians working at the Internet Research Agency, which U.S. officials have charged with criminal offenses for meddling in the 2016 campaign, sliced Americans into key interest groups for the purpose of targeting messages. These efforts shifted over time, peaking at key political moments, such as presidenti­al debates or party convention­s, the report found.

The data sets used by the researcher­s were provided by Facebook, Twitter and Google and covered several years up to mid-2017, when the social media companies cracked down on the known Russian accounts.

The report, which also analyzed data separately provided to House Intelligen­ce Committee members, contains no informatio­n on more recent political moments, such as Novem-

ber’s midterm election.

“What is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican Party — and specifical­ly Donald Trump,” the report says. “Trump is mentioned most in campaigns targeting conservati­ves and right-wing voters, where the messaging encouraged these groups to support his campaign. The main groups that could challenge Trump were then provided messaging that sought to confuse, distract and ultimately discourage members from voting.”

Representa­tives for Burr and Warner declined to comment.

The report offers the latest evidence that Russian agents sought to help Trump win the White House. Democrats and Republican­s on the Senate panel previously studied the U.S. intelligen­ce community’s 2017 finding that Moscow aimed to assist Trump, and in July, they said investigat­ors had come to the correct conclusion. Yet some Republican­s on Capitol Hill continue to doubt the nature of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

The Russians aimed particular energy at activating conservati­ves on issues such as gun rights and immigratio­n, while sapping the political clout of leftleanin­g African-American voters by underminin­g their faith in elections and spreading misleading informatio­n about how to vote. Many other groups — Latinos, Muslims, Christians, gay men and women, liberals, southerner­s, veterans — got at least some attention from Russians operating thousands of social media accounts.

The report also offers some of the first detailed analyses of the role played by YouTube, which belongs to Google, and Instagram in the Russian campaign, as well as anecdotes on how Russians used other social media platforms — Google+, Tumblr and Pinterest — that have gotten relatively little scrutiny. The Russian effort also used email accounts from Yahoo, Microsoft’s Hotmail service and Google’s Gmail.

The authors, while reliant on data provided by tech companies, also highlighte­d the companies’ “belated and uncoordina­ted response” to the disinforma­tion campaign and, once it was discovered, their failure to share more with investigat­ors. The authors urged the companies in the future to provide data in “meaningful and constructi­ve” ways.

Facebook, for example, provided the Senate with copies of posts from 81 Facebook “Pages” and informatio­n on 76 accounts used to buy ads but did not share the posts from other user accounts run by the Internet Research Agency, the report says.

Twitter has made it challengin­g for outside researcher­s to collect and analyze data on its platform through its public feed, the researcher­s said.

Google submitted informatio­n in an especially difficult way for the researcher­s to handle, providing content such as YouTube videos but not the related data that would have allowed a full analysis. The YouTube informatio­n was so hard for the researcher­s to study, they wrote, they instead tracked the links to its videos from other sites in hopes of better understand­ing YouTube’s role in the Russian effort.

Facebook, Google and Twitter didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Facebook, Google and Twitter first disclosed last year that they had identified Russian meddling on their sites. Critics previously said that it took too long to come to an understand­ing of the disinforma­tion campaign and that Russian strategies have likely shifted since then.

The companies have awakened to the threat — Facebook in particular created a “war room” this fall to combat interferen­ce around elections — but they haven’t revealed interferen­ce around the midterm election last month on the scale of what happened in 2016.

The report expresses concern about the overall threat social media sites pose to political discourse within nations and between them, warning that companies once viewed as tools for liberation in the Arab world and elsewhere are now threats to democracy.

“Social media have gone from being the natural infrastruc­ture for sharing collective grievances and coordinati­ng civic engagement to being a computatio­nal tool for social control, manipulate­d by canny political consultant­s and available to politician­s in democracie­s and dictatorsh­ips alike,” the report says.

Researcher­s also noted that the data includes evidence of sloppiness by the Russians that could have led to earlier detection, including the use of Russia’s currency, the ruble, to buy ads and Russian phone numbers for contact informatio­n. The operatives also left behind technical signatures in computeriz­ed logs, such as internet addresses in St. Petersburg, where the Internet Research Agency was based.

Many of the findings track in general terms work by other researcher­s and testimony previously provided by the companies to lawmakers investigat­ing the Russian effort. But the fuller data available to the researcher­s offered new insights on many aspects of the Russian campaign.

The report traces the origins of Russian online influence operations to Russian domestic politics in 2009 and says ambitions shifted to include U.S. politics as early as 2013 over Twitter. Of the tweets Twitter provided to the Senate, 57 percent are in Russian, with 36 percent in English and smaller amounts in other languages.

The efforts to manipulate Americans grew sharply in 2014 and every year after, as teams of operatives spread their work across more platforms and accounts, to target larger swaths of U.S. voters by geography, political interests, race, religion and other factors. The Russians started with accounts on Twitter, then added YouTube and Instagram before finally bringing Facebook into the mix, the report says.

Facebook was particular­ly effective at targeting conservati­ves and AfricanAme­ricans, the report says. More than 99 percent of all engagement — meaning likes, shares and other reactions — came from 20 “Pages” controlled by the Internet Research Agency, including “Being Patriotic,” “Heart of Texas,” “Blacktivis­t” and “Army of Jesus.”

Together, the 20 most popular pages generated 39 million likes, 31 million shares, 5.4 million reactions and 3.4 million comments. Company officials told Congress that the Russian campaign reached 126 million people on Facebook and 20 million more on Instagram.

The Russians operated 133 accounts on Instagram, a photo-sharing subsidiary of Facebook, that focused mainly on race, ethnicity or other forms of personal identity. The most successful Instagram posts targeted African-American cultural issues and black pride and were not explicitly political.

While the overall intensity of posting across platforms grew year by year — with a spike during the six months after Election Day — this growth was particular­ly pronounced on Instagram, which went from roughly 2,600 posts a month in 2016 to nearly 6,000 in 2017, when the accounts were shut down. Across all three years covered by the report, Russian Instagram posts generated 185 million likes and 4 million user comments.

The use of YouTube, like the other platforms, appears to have grown after Trump’s election. Twitter links to YouTube videos grew by 84 percent in the six months after the election, the data showed.

The Russians shrewdly worked across platforms as they refined their tactics aimed at certain groups, posting links across accounts and sites to bolster the influence operation’s success on each, the report shows.

“Black Matters US” had accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, Tumblr and Paypal, according to the researcher­s. By linking posts across these platforms, the Russians were able to solicit donations, organize realworld protests and rallies and direct online traffic to a website that the Russians also controlled.

The researcher­s found that when Facebook shut down the page in August 2016, a new one called “BM” soon appeared with more cultural and fewer political posts.

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