The Mercury News

How the wall has boxed in Trump

Campaign talking point has become a ‘potential danger,’ conservati­ves say

- By Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Peter Baker The New York Times

WASHINGTON >> Before it became the chief sticking point in a government shutdown drama that threatens to consume his presidency at a critical moment, President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall on the southern border was a memory trick for an undiscipli­ned candidate.

As Trump began exploring a presidenti­al run in 2014, his political advisers landed on the idea of a border wall as a mnemonic device of sorts, a way to make sure their candidate — who hated reading from a script but loved boasting about himself and his talents as a builder — would remember to talk about getting tough on immigratio­n, which was to be a signature issue in his na-

scent campaign.

“How do we get him to continue to talk about immigratio­n?” Sam Nunberg, one of Trump’s early political advisers, recalled telling Roger Stone, another adviser. “We’re going to get him to talk about he’s going to build a wall.”

Talk Trump did, and the line drew rapturous cheers from conservati­ve audiences, thrilling the candidate and soon becoming a staple of campaign speeches. Chants of “Build the wall!” echoed through arenas throughout the country.

Now, Trump’s fixation with a border wall — the material embodiment of his keep-them-out immigratio­n agenda — has run headlong into the new realities of divided government, pitting him against Democrats who reject the idea out of hand. The impasse is particular­ly remarkable given that even some immigratio­n hard-liners do not regard the wall as their highest priority and fear that Trump’s preoccupat­ion with it will prompt him to cut a deal that trades a relatively ineffectua­l measure for major concession­s on immigratio­n.

“I’ve always thought it created a danger that he would trade almost anything in order to get the wall — I think that’s still a potential danger,” said Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigratio­n Studies, a group that argues for less immigratio­n. “I’m still worried about that now.”

That fear has been realized at times when Trump has explored a deal with Democrats on granting permanent legal status for immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children, known as Dreamers. The president has always walked away at the last moment from committing to preserving the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, but on Friday, FAIR, an anti-immigratio­n group, warned him again that it would be a mistake.

To many conservati­ve activists who have pressed for decades for sharp reductions in both illegal and legal immigratio­n — and some of the Republican lawmakers who are allied with them — a physical barrier on the border with Mexico

is barely relevant, little more than a footnote to a long list of policy changes they believe are needed to fix a broken system.

The disconnect is at the heart of the dilemma facing Trump as he labors to find a way out of an impasse that has shuttered large parts of the government and cost 800,000 federal employees their pay. Having spent more than four years — first as a candidate and then as president — whipping his core supporters into a frenzy over the idea of building a border wall, Trump finds himself in a political box of his own making.

In transformi­ng the wall into a powerful emblem of his anti-immigratio­n message, Trump has made the proposal politicall­y untouchabl­e for Democrats, who have steadfastl­y refused to fund it, complicati­ng the chances of any compromise.

“As a messaging strategy, it was pretty successful,” Krikorian said. “The problem is, you got elected; now what do you do? Having made it his signature issue, Trump handed the Democrats a weapon against him.”

An outsize symbol

The dynamic has been on vivid display this past week as Trump has argued that there can be no deal to reopen the government unless his wall is paid for, while Democrats, now in control of the House, have refused in ever sharper terms.

“A wall is an immorality — it’s not who we are as a nation,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday. “This is not a wall between Mexico and the United States that the president is creating here; it’s a wall between reality and his constituen­ts, his supporters.”

Last month, in private comments to Democratic lawmakers after an Oval Office confrontat­ion with Trump, Pelosi said the wall was “like a manhood thing for him.”

Yet it has also become an outsize symbol in the other direction for Democrats, many of whom supported at least some sort of barrier along the border in the past but now cast Trump’s wall as a travesty. Sixty-four Democrats in the House and 26 in the Senate voted in 2006 for the Secure Fence Act, which provided for hundreds of miles of fencing along the border. Among them were Sens. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer.

“The only things that have changed is the situation at the border is worse and Donald Trump got elected,” said Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor.

Conway said Trump had become so committed to a wall because it would not only prevent the illegal entry of many immigrants and stem the flow of drugs but also discourage migrants from coming in the first place.

“The reason he’s focused

on the wall is he thinks you need a very robust physical barrier at the border that you can’t climb over, slide under, drive through or walk around,” she said. “He believes it’s got to be something that’s a deterrent that stops people from taking these perilous journeys.”

Beyond the symbolism, Democrats now argue that a wall is an expensive and ineffectiv­e means of curbing illegal immigratio­n. The majority of undocument­ed immigrants are people who overstay visas, not people who sneak across the border. A report released in March by Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security Committee found that Border Patrol agents on the front lines said they needed more technology and additional personnel to curb illegal immigratio­n and drug traffic, with less than one-half of 1 percent mentioning a wall.

Schumer, now the Senate Democratic leader, has insisted for two years that any spending agreements contain language barring federal money for Trump’s wall. Republican leaders went along each time, even as the president became increasing­ly irate, once coming close to vetoing a spending package on the day of the White House signing ceremony.

While most Republican­s refuse to say so publicly for fear of angering Trump, many share the view that the wall is only a piece — and nowhere near the most important one — of a broader set of actions needed to overhaul the immigratio­n system, including cuts to legal immigratio­n, tighter standards for granting asylum and better enforcemen­t.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s acting chief of staff, gave voice to that position in 2015, when he was a congressma­n from South Carolina, telling a local radio station that Trump, at the time a presidenti­al candidate, had an overly simplistic view of tackling immigratio­n.

“The fence is an easy thing to sell politicall­y,” Mulvaney said then. “It’s an easy thing for someone who doesn’t follow the issue very closely to say, ‘Oh, well, that will just solve everything, build the fence.’ The fence doesn’t solve the problem.”

“Just to say ‘build the darn fence’ and have that be the end of an immigratio­n discussion is absurd and almost childish,” Mulvaney said.

John F. Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, enraged Trump last year when he privately told a group of Democratic lawmakers that the president had not been “fully informed” when he proposed a border wall during his campaign, and had since “evolved” under Kelly’s tutelage. “The Wall is the Wall,” the president responded in an angry tweet contradict­ing his top aide.

“To be honest, it’s not a wall,” Kelly said in an interview with The Los Angeles Times last month as he prepared to leave the White House, adding that the administra­tion had abandoned the idea of a “solid concrete wall early on.” His comments prompted another irate tweet from Trump. “An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED,” he wrote.

Trump himself has at other times said he is not necessaril­y wedded to a concrete wall but open to different forms of barriers at different points along the border, including steel slats. “I never said, ‘I’m going to build a concrete” wall, he said Friday, rewriting history. “I said I’m going to build a wall.”

Chained to a wall

NumbersUSA, another conservati­ve group that presses for stricter immigratio­n policies, circulated an article last month suggesting that Trump drop his wall demand in favor of a plan to mandate that all employers use E-Verify, an electronic system that checks immigratio­n status for prospectiv­e employees.

The wall “has sucked political capital from the pursuit of other, and arguably better, means to deter illegal immigrants,” wrote Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute.

Yet Trump has tethered himself to the wall and shows no sign of letting go.

Ann Coulter, who along with Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and other conservati­ve commentato­rs has pressed Trump to live up to his campaign promise, said the focus on the wall was not to be to the exclusion of other policies aimed at stemming illegal immigratio­n.

“We want that stuff, too — but we also want a wall,” she said in an email. “The chant at every campaign rally wasn’t, ‘Enforce E-Verify!’ ‘Tax remittance­s!’” she added, referring to a proposal to tax cash payments sent by immigrants to their families in Mexico and Central America.

Advisers said the president became absorbed by the idea of a wall because it was the most memorable and tangible promise he made while stumping for the White House in 2016.

“He wants to call it a wall because that’s what he campaigned on,” said Christophe­r Ruddy, the chief executive of Newsmax and a friend of Trump’s. “He’s very obsessed about carrying out his campaign promises — I think to a degree that’s unhealthy — but that’s important to him, and that’s not a bad thing.”

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump speaks in March in front of a border wall prototype in San Diego.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump speaks in March in front of a border wall prototype in San Diego.

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