The Mercury News

Federal agencies are directed to hold off on raises


WASHINGTON >> Federal agencies have been directed to hold off enacting pay raises for top administra­tion officials during a government shutdown that has left hundreds of thousands of federal workers without pay.

The guidance was issued late Friday in a memo from Margaret Weichert, the acting director of the Office of Personnel Management.

The raises were the result of a pay freeze for top federal officials, including the vice president and Cabinet secretarie­s, that was on the verge of expiring because of the shutdown.

In the memo, Weichert writes that, “In the current absence of Congressio­nal guidance,” OPM “believes it would be prudent for agencies to continue to pay these senior political officials at the frozen rate until appropriat­ions legislatio­n is enacted that would clarify the status of the freeze.”

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had said earlier Friday that the administra­tion was “aware of the issue” and “exploring options to prevent this from being implemente­d while some federal workers are furloughed.”

Trump also had told reporters at a news conference that he “might consider” asking Cabinet secretarie­s and other top officials to forgo the raises. Vice President Mike Pence committed to doing so.

The raises, which were first reported by The Washington Post, appear to be an unintended consequenc­e of a shutdown that is affecting hundreds of thousands of federal employees, forcing many to work without pay. Trump and congressio­nal leaders met again Friday to try to hash out a resolution but emerged no closer to a deal. Trump is demanding billions of dollars for his long-promised wall along the southern border. Democrats refuse to give him the money.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a Democrat, also called on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to hold a vote on the measures passed by the House Thursday night to reopen the government and provide back pay to those affected by the shutdown.

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