The Mercury News

Mom slips melatonin to toddler

- Amy Dickinson Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­

DEAR AMY >> Over the past couple of months, a close single-mom friend of mine has very nonchalant­ly mentioned that she’ll give her toddler a melatonin supplement before bedtime a few times a month so the toddler won’t wake up in the night while my friend is out partying.

In my opinion, using any sort of substance, natural or otherwise, to get your child to sleep simply because you want to go out is horribly selfish and irresponsi­ble on so many levels.

I feel like the adult thing to do would be to talk to my friend about it, but she is having a hard enough time as a single mom and is pretty sensitive.

How do I go about telling her how much this is bothering me? — Appalled & Concerned DEAR APPALLED >> Regarding the use of melatonin with young children, I shared your question with Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, a pediatrici­an at the University of Wisconsin.

Navsaria responds: “Melatonin plays a role in sleep and is produced by the body; there are no clear guidelines for supplement­al use in children, but it’s generally recognized as safe at low doses. Occasional use as a part of treating consistent sleep problems is likely fine, preferably as advised by a health care profession­al.

“Melatonin is not a sedative, so we always emphasize that surroundin­gs amenable to sleep are key when taking supplement­al melatonin.

“I certainly wouldn’t count on melatonin to keep the child asleep — nor would I want anyone to use it if the child becomes ill and needs attention.

“I’m more concerned about the lack of willing adults in the home while the mother is out; awake or asleep, children need to be under the care of a capable, willing adult, which doesn’t seem to completely be the case here. I believe you’re right to be concerned.”

Navsaria and I agree that you should share your concerns, gently and without judgment. “Partying” implies activities inappropri­ate for parents of young children, but if your friend is just going out a few times a month, perhaps you could offer to help in some way. A once-a-month overnight at your house for the toddler would be generous.

DEAR AMY >> “Unmerry Christmas” and her husband went to their daughter-in-law’s family home (at their son’s invitation) on Christmas morning, and were not made welcome.

What a shame that the hosts couldn’t simply laugh it off and offer hospitalit­y!

My husband and I have had holidays and other occasions with surprises, such as: a Thanksgivi­ng with four un-housebroke­n dogs, an unexpected Easter dinner visit from our daughter’s lumberjack friend in work clothes (complete with an ax over his shoulder) and former Army buddies who came for drinks and left two days later.

We laugh over those memories and hope that we and the house will hold up for many years to come. — Still Smiling

DEAR SMILING >> That’s the spirit!

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