The Mercury News

Sanders, Harris take lead in cash

California senator raises $12M with support from Hollywood, Silicon Valley in first quarter

- By Casey Tolan ctolan@bayareanew­

Sen. Kamala Harris raised just over $12 million in the first three months of 2019, thanks to donations from tech moguls and movie stars like Ben Affleck, Elizabeth Banks and Eva Longoria, putting her second in the Democratic presidenti­al candidates’ scramble for cash.

Only Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont raised more than Harris, taking in $18.2 million in the first quarter of the year. And several other Senate contenders transferre­d large amounts of money from their previous campaign accounts.

Both should be looking over their shoulders: Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas raised $9.4 million over just two weeks — about a quarter of the time Harris has been in the running. South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg beat earlier expectatio­ns with $7.1 million, an impressive showing for a candidate who was all but unknown a month ago.

The fundraisin­g reports released by the Federal Election Commission Monday night give observers the first official snapshot of the financial race — and show Harris in a strong but not commanding position in the pri


The first-term senator spent about $4.3 million as her White House bid got off the ground, and ended March with just under $9 million in the bank after transferri­ng $1.2 million from her Senate account.

In addition to Sanders, who has $15.7 million on hand, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand have larger cash reserves than Harris — $11.2 million and $10 million respective­ly — thanks to large amounts they transferre­d from their Senate committees. Former Rep. John Delaney, a wealthy but long-shot candidate, has $10.6 million on hand, most of it loaned from his personal funds.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump’s fundraisin­g juggernaut dwarfed his Democratic opponents, bringing in about $30 million over the quarter and leaving him with $40 million to spend. That’s in part because the Democratic field was fractured among nearly 20 candidates while Trump had Republican donors almost completely to himself.

Overall, the Democratic first-quarter numbers are noticeably lower than in past elections. In the first three months of 2007, for example, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton each raised more than $25 million from individual donors. This year’s relatively underwhelm­ing figures could be due to donors waiting to see which on the long list of 2020 contenders emerges as the likeliest to defeat Trump, said Doug Herman, a Democratic strategist in Los Angeles who isn’t working for any of them.

“Amongst the Democratic electorate, the number one thing folks are looking for is who can beat the president,” Herman said. “If you’ve got more than 15 candidates in the race, that is an unanswerab­le question today.”

Harris’ report shows that she raked in both big checks from big-name donors and tons of small-dollar online donations. More than a third of her total, $4.4 million, came from donors who gave $200 or less. About 98 percent

of Harris’ contributi­ons were less than $100, and the online average donation was $28, according to her campaign — although those figures could not be independen­tly confirmed because small donations don’t need to be reported individual­ly to the FEC.

Sanders, O’Rourke and Buttigieg all reported taking in more money than Harris from small donors, and Warren raised roughly the same amount, $4.2 million.

At the same time, Harris reported maximum donations from Hollywood icons. In addition to Affleck, Banks and Longoria, filmmakers Lee Daniels and Brian Grazer and TV showrunner­s Shonda Rhimes and Jenni Konner donated to her campaign. Other top Harris donors include former Disney and Dreamworks executive Jeffrey Katzenberg, former Warner Bros. chairman and CEO Kevin Tsujihara and Los Angeles philanthro­pist Eli Broad.

In Silicon Valley, Harris reported big donations from Salesforce CEO Mark Benioff and his wife, Lynne, Y Combinator chair Sam Altman, angel investor Ron Conway and former Facebook executive Alex Stamos, among others.

She also got hundreds of thousands of dollars from employees of several prominent law firms, including DLA Piper and Venable, where her husband, Douglas Emhoff, has been an intellectu­al property attorney.

More than half of the $7.6 million Harris raised in individual large contributi­ons came from California­ns, and her two biggest moneymakin­g cities were San Francisco and Los Angeles, according to a Bay Area News Group analysis of her fundraisin­g.

Almost a fourth of Harris’ spending over the quarter, $1 million, went to digital advertisin­g, much of it on Facebook and Google ads.

Among individual itemized donors who listed their employer as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google or Alphabet, Harris led with almost $52,000 and was closely followed by Sanders at $46,500. Surprising­ly, Warren — who has called for breaking up those companies — came in third among their employees, with almost $39,500 in donations.

East Bay Rep. Eric Swalwell didn’t have to report fundraisin­g numbers for his nascent White House bid because he only got in the race a week ago. But the FEC report for his congressio­nal campaign shows that he took in $1.1 million in the first three months of 2019 and transferre­d $700,000 to his presidenti­al campaign, leaving more than $1.6 million in the bank.

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