The Mercury News

The Barr hearing was in fact much ado about nothing

- By Marc A. Thiessen Marc Thiessen writes for the Washington Post.

WASHINGTON >> If Shakespear­e had titled Attorney General William Barr’s appearance on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he may have called it “Much Ado About Nothing.”

Democrats seized on the supposed “bombshell” that special counsel Robert Mueller wrote a letter to Barr expressing dissatisfa­ction with the attorney general’s fourpage memo to Congress from March 24, declaring it “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of his report. Barr told senators upon receiving Mueller’s letter he immediatel­y called Mueller and said “Bob, what’s with the letter? Why don’t you just pick up the phone and call me if there’s an issue?”

Here’s a better question he should have asked: “Bob, why didn’t you accept my offer to review the memo before it was released to the public?”

Indeed, Barr gave Mueller the chance to go over the document, and offer comments or suggested edits, before the attorney general made it public. Mueller declined to do so. Sorry, you don’t get to turn down an opportunit­y to review a document before release, and then complain about it later if you don’t like how it is being covered by the media.

And putting his complaints in a letter — “going to paper” in Justice Department parlance — the details of which (surprise, surprise) were then leaked to the media on the eve of Barr’s testimony, was dishonorab­le. The entire episode hurts Mueller’s reputation more than Barr’s.

Moreover, The Washington Post reported that officials said, “When Barr pressed Mueller on whether he thought Barr’s memo to Congress was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not but felt that the media coverage of it was misinterpr­eting the investigat­ion.” So what Mueller really wanted was for Barr to release more informatio­n — specifical­ly the introducti­on and executive summaries of each volume of the report.

But, as Barr testified Wednesday, even if he had agreed that releasing the introducti­ons and executive summaries was a good idea (which he did not), he could not have done so because they required additional redactions from the intelligen­ce community. Barr did not want to release the report piecemeal. “I thought what we should do is focus on getting the full report out as quickly as possible,” he said. And he did just that.

The whole issue was moot by the time Barr testified; the entire redacted 448-page report has been released to the public. That did not stop Democrats from attacking Barr’s credibilit­y. Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, told Barr “you lied to Congress” and had “chosen to be the president’s lawyer” rather than America’s lawyer. She said she has asked the Justice Department inspector general to investigat­e his conduct. She called on Barr to resign. “Being attorney general of the United States is a sacred trust. You have betrayed that trust. America deserves better.” It was a disgusting partisan display. Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., rightly chastised Hirono, declaring, “You slandered this man from top to bottom.”

Far from lying, Barr has bent over backward to be open with Congress and the American people. He overrode Justice Department regulation­s, and released the full Mueller report with only minor redactions. That’s virtually unpreceden­ted. And he has made an almost completely unredacted version of the report available to members of Congress, who now have access to all but onetenth of 1 percent of the document. And while the Justice Department worked overtime to speed the redaction process, he released a memo summarizin­g Mueller’s conclusion­s. It is a fact that Mueller declared his “investigat­ion did not establish that the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinate­d with the Russian government in its election interferen­ce activities.”

And it is a fact that while the report “does not exonerate him” of obstructio­n it also “does not conclude that the President committed a crime.” For two years, Trump was falsely accused of being a Russian agent and colluding with Russian President Vladimir Putin — including by many on Capitol Hill now attacking Barr’s credibilit­y. If members of Congress want examples of dishonesty and efforts to mislead the American people, they should look in the mirror.

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