The Mercury News

New rules governing state water based on latest science


Re: “Newsom must not capitulate to Trump on Delta protection­s” (Editorial, Oct. 23):

The most important point in your Oct. 23 editorial regarding new rules governing California water appears in the first line: The current rules are a decade old.

And in that time struggling fish population­s have continued to decline. Why would we want to lock in place out-of-date rules that aren’t achieving their stated purpose?

The new rules are based on the latest science revealed through a decade of work and hundreds of millions of dollars in research.

In addition, the needs of fish will now be assessed through real-time monitoring rather than simply relying on an arbitrary calendar date.

Overall, the new biological opinions represent a generation­al change in how we manage water projects and their impact on the environmen­t. They will provide a better opportunit­y to reduce environmen­tal impacts as well as improve water reliabilit­y for all California­ns, including farmers, urban areas, rural communitie­s and the environmen­t.

— Mike Wade, executive director, California Farm Water Coalition, Sacramento

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