The Mercury News

Facebook still sees Bay Area as home for future employees


Re: “Facebook’s plan to address housing, transporta­tion” (Opinion section, Oct. 24):

Facebook’s “strategy” to address housing and transporta­tion in the Bay Area will not succeed because it avoids the core of the problem.

Like many other hypergrowt­h companies in Silicon Valley, Facebook continues to focus on the Bay Area as home for tens of thousands of future employees. While these companies already have a huge core of employees in Silicon Valley, there is absolutely no reason they should not be focusing their future growth outside of California.

This will not require these companies to move. And it will not require outsourcin­g jobs to foreign countries. Across the U.S. there are dozens of attractive metropolit­an areas with great universiti­es, large welleducat­ed workforces and affordable housing.

Amazon understand­s this problem. It’s building huge job centers in Virginia, New York and Tennessee.

But building 1,000 homes and hiring 10,000 new employees in a saturated housing market is doomed to fail.

— Andy Frazer, Sunnyvale

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