The Mercury News

U.S. proposes new rules to increase organ transplant­s

- By Lauran Neergaard

WASHINGTON >> The U.S. government proposed new rules Tuesday to increase organ transplant­s — steps to make it easier for the living to donate and to make sure that organs from the deceased don’t go to waste.

The proposals come after President Donald Trump in July ordered a revamping of the nation’s care for kidney disease that included spurring more transplant­s of kidneys and other organs.

Thousands die every year while waiting for a transplant. There are many reasons for the organ shortage. An Associated Press analysis recently found some of the groups that collect organs at death secure donors at half the rate of others — leaving behind potentiall­y usable organs.

And other studies suggest people hold off volunteeri­ng to be a living donor because they can’t afford the time off work.

Tuesday’s proposals address those two challenges. If the rules become final, they would:

• Allow living donors to be reimbursed for lost wages and child care or elder care expenses incurred during their hospitaliz­ation and recovery. Still to be determined is exactly who will qualify.

Currently, the transplant recipient’s insurance pays the donor’s medical bills, but donors are out of work for weeks recuperati­ng and not all employers allow some form of paid time off.

• Hold the “organ procuremen­t organizati­ons” that collect deceased donations to stricter standards.

Rather than self-reporting their success, each OPO’s donation and transplant­ation rates would be calculated using federal death records that show the entire pool of potential donors each has to draw from.

For the first time, that change would allow the government to rank OPO performanc­e. The proposal would require the government to do yearly evaluation­s and push low-performing OPOs to match those doing a better job.

The rules are open for public comment for 60 days before taking effect.

“Our broken system of procuring organs and supporting kidney donors’ costs thousands of American lives each year,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement.

More than 113,000 people are on the U.S. waiting list for a transplant.

It’s not clear how big an impact the new rules would have, but a 2017 study led by University of Pennsylvan­ia researcher­s calculated that a better-functionin­g system to secure deceased donors could produce up to 28,000 more organs a year.

And people lucky enough to receive a kidney or part of a liver from a living donor not only cut years off their transplant wait, but those organs tend to survive longer. Yet fewer than 7,000 of the 36,529 transplant­s performed last year were from living donors.

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