The Mercury News

Her boyfriend may be bisexual

- Ask Amy Amy Dickinson Email Amy Dickinson at askamy@amydickins­on. com.

DEAR AMY » I have been with my current boyfriend for a year. After hitting it off at a party, he immediatel­y asked me out. He seemed very into me during the initial dating phase, and then we made it official in April.

Halfway through the summer he admitted to me that, based on his “behavior with guys at parties,” he thought he was bisexual. Although he says he has never been in a relationsh­ip with a man, or (apparently) had sex with a man, he claimed that his feelings toward men had been increasing and leaving him feeling overwhelme­d with erotic fantasies.

I can’t help but feel duped by the fact that he waited to tell me this — until I told him I loved him.

He has been yo-yo-ing between wanting to be in a relationsh­ip with me and breaking up, because he says he doesn’t know whether he could pursue a long-term relationsh­ip with anyone until he knew more about his sexuality.

In the past, we have spoken about moving in together. We have even speculated about what our children might look like. Now I feel very hurt and confused.

We have also spoken about breaking up to enable him to explore his sexuality. I would find being in an open relationsh­ip emotionall­y destructiv­e.

I don’t know whether encouragin­g him to stay with me is selfish, as it is not allowing him the space to discover who he really is.

I am lost, hurt, confused, and I don’t know what to do. What’s your take? Am I being too closeminde­d? — Lost

DEAR LOST » You don’t sound close-minded, and you don’t sound particular­ly selfish. You sound like someone who is trying very hard to be in a steady and monogamous relationsh­ip with a man who is telling you — every way he knows how — that he wants (and needs) to explore.

You two are headed in opposite directions. You are thinking about cohabiting and babies, and he is thinking about ... well, he’s thinking about a lot of other things, most of which seem to point him toward other people and other relationsh­ips.

You do not have the option of forcing him to stay with you. Nor should you coerce him to stay with you. You need to let him go, and — because being in an open relationsh­ip wouldn’t be healthy for you — you should love and support him as a friend, while he figures out who he is — and what he wants.

DEAR AMY » “Frustrated Millennial” didn’t like her old-fashioned parents’ views. I actually could not believe my eyes when you suggested that she say, “OK Boomer!”

That is dismissive and offensive to an entire generation! — Upset

DEAR UPSET » First of all, I suggested that she say this to herself. Secondly, I think the baby boom generation (to which I belong), should accept this trend with a rueful smile. It has been ever thus.

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