The Mercury News

Pope removes shroud of secrecy from clergy sex abuse cases

- By Nicole Winfield

VATICAN CITY >> Pope Francis abolished the use of the Vatican’s highest level of secrecy in clergy sexual abuse cases Tuesday, responding to mounting criticism that the rule of “pontifical secrecy” has been used to protect pedophiles, silence victims and prevent police from investigat­ing crimes.

Victims and their advocates cheered the move as long overdue, but cautioned that the proof of its effectiven­ess would come when the Catholic hierarchy is forced to respond to national inquiries, grand jury subpoenas and criminal prosecutor­s who are increasing­ly demanding all internal documentat­ion about abusers.

“The carnival of obscurity is over,” declared Juan Carlos Cruz, a prominent Chilean survivor of clergy abuse and advocate for victims.

In a new law, Francis decreed that informatio­n in abuse cases must be protected by church leaders to ensure its “security, integrity and confidenti­ality.” But he said the rule of “pontifical secrecy” no longer applied to abuse-related accusation­s, trials and decisions under the Catholic Church’s canon law.

The Vatican’s leading sex crimes investigat­or, Archbishop Charles Scicluna, said the reform was an “epochal decision” that will facilitate coordinati­on with civil law enforcemen­t and open up lines of communicat­ion with victims.

While documentat­ion from the church’s in-house legal proceeding­s will still not become public, Scicluna said, the reform now removes any excuse to not cooperate with legitimate legal requests from prosecutor­s, police or other civil authoritie­s.

Francis also raised from 14 to 18 the cutoff age below which the Vatican considers pornograph­ic images to be child pornograph­y. The reform is a response to the Vatican’s increasing awareness of the prolific spread of online child porn that has frequently implicated even high-ranking churchmen.

The new laws were issued Tuesday, Francis’ 83rd birthday, as he struggles to respond to the global explosion of the abuse scandal, his own missteps and demands for greater transparen­cy and accountabi­lity from victims, law enforcemen­t and ordinary Catholics alike.

“The reforms are long overdue but symbolize an important step in the right direction,” said SNAP, the victims advocacy group. “Still right now they are only words on paper and what needs to happen next is concrete action.”

The new norms are the latest amendment to the Catholic Church’s in-house canon law — a parallel legal code that metes out ecclesial justice for crimes against the faith — in this case relating to the sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable people by priests, bishops or cardinals. In this legal system, the worst punishment a priest can incur is being defrocked, or dismissed from the clerical state.

When he was a cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI had persuaded St. John Paul II to decree in 2001 that these cases must be handled by the Vatican’s Congregati­on for the Doctrine of the Faith and be dealt with under the “pontifical secret” rule. The Vatican had long insisted that such confidenti­ality was necessary to protect the privacy of the victim, the reputation of the accused and the integrity of the canonical process.

However, such secrecy also served to keep the scandal hidden, prevent law enforcemen­t from accessing documents and silence victims, many of whom often believed that the “pontifical secret” rule prevented them from going to the police to report their priestly abusers.

While the Vatican has long tried to insist this was not the case, it also never mandated that bishops and religious superiors report sex crimes to police, and in the past it has also encouraged bishops not to do so.

According to the new instructio­n, which was signed by the Vatican secretary of state but authorized by the pope, the Vatican still doesn’t mandate reporting the crimes to police, saying religious superiors are obliged to do so where civil reporting laws require it.

But it goes further than the Vatican has gone before, saying: “Office confidenti­ality shall not prevent the fulfillmen­t of the obligation­s laid down in all places by civil laws, including any reporting obligation­s, and the execution of enforceabl­e requests of civil judicial authoritie­s.”

The Vatican has been under increasing pressure to cooperate more with law enforcemen­t, and its failure to do so has resulted in unpreceden­ted raids in recent years on diocesan chanceries by police from Belgium to Texas and Chile.

But even under the threat of subpoenas and raids, bishops have sometimes felt compelled to withhold canonical proceeding­s given the “pontifical secret” rule, unless given permission to hand documents over by the Vatican. The new law makes that explicit permission no longer required.

Robert Hoatson, a survivor and founder of the clergy abuse advocacy group Road to Recovery, said the change was long overdue and a “hopeful sign that the church will finally hold itself accountabl­e for the centuries-old scandal.”

The Vatican in May issued another law explicitly saying victims cannot be silenced and have a right to learn the outcome of their canonical trials. The new document repeats that and expands the point by saying not only the victim, but any witnesses or the person who lodged the accusation cannot be compelled to silence.

Lawyers for victims and accused priests have also advocated for a change to the pontifical secret rule, since it restricted their access to documentat­ion from the case. Scicluna said the reform now facilitate­s making documents available to “interested parties” in a penal case, although it is not clear if these lawyers will still only be able to view the documents — as is currently the case — or can now make and keep copies of them, under the understand­ing that they remain confidenti­al.

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Pope Francis

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