The Mercury News

Douglas Patrick O’Neal


Resident of San Jose

Douglas, long time labor activist and local Teamster leader died January 1, 2020 in San Jose, California. Born January 17, 1951 in Vallejo California, he lived a rich and full life, growing up all over the United States and Europe with his brothers Dan and Denis, mother, and stepfather in the Airforce. Doug moved to San Jose in 1968, a graduate of San Jose High School, and later San Jose City college. He became active in the anti-war movement, the Irish Independen­ce Movement, and finally in the labor movement with Teamsters Local 287. Starting as a truck driver, then organizer, he worked his way up to Principle Officer where he served until his retirement in 2005. Doug was respected by his members and employers alike for his advocacy for working people.

Doug was a labor leader when he met his wife, labor lawyer Kathy Sure in 1985—they were married over 33 years. Doug adored Kathy, daughters Kelly and Allie, grandson Cal, and showed it constantly in loving and sometimes quirky ways. As an outdoorsma­n, he loved backpackin­g, biking, and kayaking—he was famous for always having the best equipment for all of it. His proud Irish heritage and love for craft brewing came together in his St. Patrick’s Day Home Brew Tasting Parties that lasted 25 years. Doug was a unique blend of working-class ethics with bourgeois tastes in beer, wine, cars, music and anything tech, often called “gadget man” for having the coolest “stuff.” He had a deep and broad knowledge of history, geography, and politics. His easy and welcoming manner attracted lifelong friends whom he loved, and that love was reciprocat­ed many times over, for which his family is so grateful.

For the past 15 years, Doug faced numerous serious medical issues that would have brought a lesser person down. Despite his condition, his zest for life continued and he was able to appreciate every minute of those years, up to the very end. The “Captain of the Fun Hogs” will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him.

Doug leaves his wife Kathy, daughters Kelly and Allie, grandson Cal (his “best buddy”), brothers Dan (Isa) and Denis (Cathy), brother-in-law Jeff (Janet), and his extended family of relatives and friends. He was predecease­d by his brother David, mother Laurie Felger and father Jack O’Neal.

A celebratio­n of Doug’s life will be held at a later date. Any photos or memories can be sent to surekathy@yahoo. com.

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